
Eclipse update problem?

Hello, Please take a look here: Why i got that error when i'm trying to update my Eclipse Galileo to the newest Eclipse M6 Helios? I'm using the update URL from here: Is this a bug? If not, what can i do? Please help. Thanks! ...

How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6

Question as stated in the title: how to install the GlassFish Server Adapter on Eclipse Helios 3.6? ...

Drupal in Eclipse Helios PHP: 2 points

hi, 1) I've just added Drupal as project in eclipse Helios (PHP development) and I get 100 warnings about the code. Is there something am I missing ? Or it is just normal ? 2) I'm actually wondering if this is a good idea to develop my drupal website, I could also use a simpletext editor together with devil module to print variables.. ...

Getting GlassFish Adapter to Work in Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)

I recently downloaded the JEE+BIRT package of Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) for 32-bit Windows (Windows Vista, I know...) to give it a whirl. I am using this alongside the J2EE package of the JDK Sun provides, which of course includes GlassFish v3. This is a clean installation with the old .eclipse configuration directory and Eclipse workspace fo...

What are the new features in Eclipse Helios?

What are some of the new and noteworthy features in Eclipse Helios, particularly with respect to the Java IDE? I looked around the website but couldn't find any release notes. Thanks ...

How do I get my Eclipse shortcuts working again in Helios?

Since upgrading to Helios, some of my main shortcuts have stopped working; I use Control+Option+C for Subversion commit, but since the upgrade, hitting this combination in the navigator view behaves the same as just hitting C (moves to the next element that starts with C). I've tried a few variations, but either get the same behaviour, ...

Any major problems with Helios?

I have just seen that new major release (3.6 Helios) of eclipse is available for download. I want to try it, but before that I want to know if anybody experienced any major problems. I want to determine If I could try this or not, since my project setup is complex and easily takes 2, 3 hours normally; I don't want to take any risk. ...

Getting Plugins to work with Eclipse Helios 3.6

I have been searching for a new IDE for a while. I finally decided to try Eclipse, although I am a little discontent with the memory usage, and I really like a lot of aspects about it. There are, as with learning any new IDE, some things that I haven't been able to figure out yet. One of the biggest ones is that it seems like no matter w...

Eclipse Helios and SVN??

I installed eclipse helios (for Java developers) and installed svn via help, install new software. When checking out a new Java project (for example by selecting new Project.. and then choosing checkout from SVN the sources always land next to the src folder and not in it (in some cases it does not even create an src folder). With the ...

content assist in phtml files not working in eclipse helios pdt

Hi all, I got a problem with my content assist of html attributes in Eclipse Helios. When I do something like <div style="|"></div> and hit ctrl+space, normally the content assist for the style attribute appears. This works fine for *.html and *.shtml files. But as soon as I rename the file to phtml, the content assist just fails a...

Ant publisher properties in JBoss Runtime on Eclipse

Hi, I am using JBoss 4.2 Runtime on Eclipse Helios. As you know it uses the build file (jboss323.xml) that comes with the plugin. However I want to change the way this build file behaves for a particular project (for example: override its WAR building process, say add a filter to exclude certain files). But I don't want to edit jboss323...

Is it possible to hide/remove arbitrary context menu items in Eclipse (3.6)

My question can be split into three: Is it possible to hide/remove arbitrary context menu items in Eclipse (3.6) by ... standard UI? some existing plug-in? custom plug-in? I failed to find ways to do this by methods 1 and 2. If the only option is creating custom plug-in, could anyone push me towards the right direction where to star...

Eclipse Helios Ant Editor giving errors/warnings with Ant 1.8.1

I upgraded my OS Ant version to 1.8.1 (I use Gentoo Linux if that's important). Previously I was using the OS's install of Ant 1.7.1 from within Eclipse Helios by changing the Ant Runtime to point to my Ant installation. However after upgrading to Ant 1.8.1 I'm getting errors/warnings in the Ant editor when using 1.8 features. For exa...

Is this the right way to get content assist for javascript files in Eclipse Helios(JEE)?

I have a JEE project which contains some JavaScript files. I followed the below option to get content assist for Javascript files. Right click the project -> Configure -> Convert to JavaScript Project (only .project and .settings folder of the project got modified) ...

Unable to launch Android application in Eclipse; An internal error occurred during: "Launching myApp"

I'm unable to start up my Android application in Eclipse, I'm getting the following error when I select "Run as Android Application" I have my Android Virtual Device running, can't see any issues with that (I'm able to navigate around the OS on the emulator etc) When I try to "Run as Application" I get the following popup from eclipse ...

Eclipse started crashing

Hi everyone, I have been using eclipse for a couple of weeks now, and all of a sudden it has started crashing with this error: An internal error occurred during: "Selection Job titile". java.lang.StackOverflowError Here's some other info: It's the most recent build of Eclipse Helios I have installed subclipse I use mylyn a bit My ...

Eclipse PDT (helios) autocompletion

i've just installed a new eclipse helios and i wonder about the autocompletion not working properly as in my older versions (ganymede/galileo). it's working for simple functions and class-methods but it somehow doesn't know methods which have been inherited from other classes AND it won't show autocompletion for chained methoed which ret...

eclipse cdt: add include path from pkg-config

Hi, i want to add a dynamic configuration path (generated from pkg-config) to my project. (this is basically for third-party dependencies like boost, so workspace includes is not appropiate, and filesystem include neither because that would be hardcoded and every developer would have to change that manually) i am on project properties-...

Eclipse keeps setting incorrect repository root

I have a project here: svn+ssh://[email protected]/folder/ProjectName The repository root is svn+ssh://[email protected]/folder No matter how many times or how many ways I try checking out ProjectName, eclipse always helpfully tells me that the repository root is svn+ssh://[email protected]. I have another project in another repository: s...

Hadoop 0.20.2 Eclipse plugin not fully functioning - can't 'Run on Hadoop'.

Hi folks, I've just finished installing Hadoop 0.20.2 under Cygwin on Windows 7 with Eclipse Helios (3.6). Hadoop is now fully started, and I'm trying to run a test application within a newly created MapReduce test project in Eclipse. I'm using the Hadoop 0.20.2 plugin from the Hadoop download. The Map/Reduce Location perspective opera...