
log4j vs logback

We are using log4j behind a selfmade wrapper. We plan to use much more features of it now. Should we update to logback ? (I mean the framework not a facade like SLF4J) ...

Should new projects use logback instead of log4j ?

Should new projects use logback instead of log4j as a logging framework ? Or with other words :'Is logback better than log4j (leaving the SLF4J-'feature' of logback beside)?' ...

What's Up with Logging in Java?

Why one would use one of the following packages instead of the other? Java Logging Commons Logging Log4j SLF4j Logback ...

How do I use logback-access in combination with Tomcat 5.5?

I've got several Web apps running on a Tomcat 5.5 server, and I'm working on improving/updating the overall logging system used throughout the system. I already had some success with logback-classic. However, when I try to use logback-access (i.e. access the lbAccessStatus servlet), I get this exception: exception javax.servlet.Servle...

Is there any way to automatically execute JUnit testcases once with all logging enabled and once with all logging disabled to increase code-coverage and find subtle bugs?

I've found a solution, see my own answer below. Does anyone have a more elegant one? Assume the following class to be tested: public class Foo { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Foo.class); public void bar() { String param=[..]; if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("A message with paramete...

Does logback support log4j appenders?

Can custom appenders created for log4j (extending AppenderSkeleton) be used with new logback framework? I know that logback comes with its own set of appenders similar to log4j, but is this possible to re-use existing ones? How? ...

Logback usage and printing lists

I am starting using logback and I want to know if there are better ways of doing something. I have this code: public class ClassA { private List<String> l; private Logger logger; public ClassA(){ this.logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } .... public List<String> method() { t...

Logback - C3P0 and HSQLDB

I'm trying to get LogBack to use a HSQLDB with C3P0. I'm stuck with this configuration at the moment given my current environment. I have a large investment with Log4J code and will also need to use the SLF4J Log4J Adapter. When I try a simple logging program it's getting stuck in the configuration of the logger. Here is my logback.xml:...

Logback tutorial

Where can I find a Logback tutorial and/or sample projects? Something similar with this "Log4j Tutorial" would be nice. Note: I am aware of the documentation available on the official Logback website The Logback Manual Logback documentation but is there anything else available? ...

Log4J - SiftingAppender-like functionality

I work in a project that uses Log4J. One of the requirement is to create a separate log file for each thread; this itself was a odd issue, somewhat sorted by creating a new FileAppender on the fly and attaching it to the Logger instance. Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(<thread dependent string>); FileAppender appender = new FileAppende...

Read environment variables from logback configuration file

Hi, I have this logback.xml file: <configuration debug="true" scan="true" scanPeriod="60 seconds"> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout"> <Pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</Pattern> </layout> </appender...

Logging from SpringMVC controller

I have just started exploring SpringMVC and logback. This is my controller, (the only one i have so far) import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; @Contro...

Logback SMTPAppender Limiting Rate

How can I limit the rate of emails a Logback SMTPAppender, so that it would email me at most once every n minutes? I have setup my logging according to the Logback appender, but I don't quite see how it be configured or subclassed to implement that. Is there a hidden feature? Did someone develop a subclass to handle this? ...

switch from log4j to logback

I have this code with log4j, I don't use any kind of configuration files static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Application.class); ... Appender ap = new NTEventLogAppender(); SimpleLayout layout = new SimpleLayout(); Appender fp = null; try { fp = new FileAppender(layout, "output.txt"); } catch (IOException e) { ...

How to make XML get escaped in HTMLLayout of logback?

I'm using logback (with slf4j) to do the logging, and I've got many XML content to be logged in both text files and HTML files (with HTMLLayout). However, logback just inserts the raw XML in the <TD> tags for the HTMLLayout, without any escaping or <pre> processing. Here is the snippet of my logback.xml: <appender name="ALL" class="ch....

Can't get Logback Eclipse plugin to display output

I followed these instructions here: http://logback.qos.ch/consolePlugin.html I have the correct and found logback.xml, it is set up correctly, and the port is listening. Nothing shows up with logger.error("Test"); It logs to sysout fine when I remove logback.xml, which shows to me that the logback is working fine. I installed the pl...

Include microsecond timestamps in log4j logging?

Is it possible to have microsecond level timestamps in log4j logging? This is on linux running Java 1.6. We have a couple servers right next to each other (synced via LAN to the same NTP server), and I'd like to have microseconds in the log lines. If log4j doesn't offer this, does logback? ...

Cleaner debug level logging in Java?

Is there a cleaner way for me to write debug level log statements? In some ways one could say that the string literals are basically commenting the code and providing logging in one line and that it is already very clean. But after I add debug level log statements, I find the code much less easier to read up and down. Take this example (...

Logging Pattern - not logging the cause

Hi all, I am having some issues with logging. After reviewing JBoss Seam source code, I believe the problem is there. I would like to see JBoss Seam migrate to SLF4J since Hibernate code already uses it. I think the issue is I don't have log4j available and I don't have Logback configured to use JDK logging. I guess for the time-bei...

logback with EJB3.1

I am using logback/slf4j to handle logging in my application. Everything was working perfectly until I started using EJBs. Once I added a stateless EJB to my app, the logger started ignoring my logback.xml and stopped using my appenders. I switched to a programmatic logger configuration to see what was wrong and now I am getting the foll...