So, I'm working on a project that uses the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids gem. I've installed it as a gem, and it works great and all. Here's where I'm running into problems though - I want to generate a list of the top 25 used tags, and the number of times they've been used across all taggable items.
Well, as it happens, acts_as_taggable_on_steroids, creates a table called "taggings" which contains this information. When I run the following SQL command against the DB directly...
SELECT as tag_name, COUNT(*) as num_uses
FROM taggings
JOIN tags ON = taggings.tag_id
GROUP BY tag_id
ORDER BY num_uses DESC,
I get the following example results, as expected, sorted in descending order by most used, and then sub-sorted in alphabetical order:
tag_name | num_uses
gadgets 15
cars 12
programming 12
quirky 12
2009 7
...etc., etc., up to 25 rows
So, I want to build a view to list out this information, and it's not cooperating. I don't have an associated model for the "taggings" table, assuming there is one, and I think it might be because I installed acts_as_taggable_on_steroids as a gem, rather than a plugin?
For example, I tried doing this in my app:
@top_taggings = Taggings.find_by_sql("SELECT as tag_name, COUNT(*) as num_uses " +
"FROM taggings " +
"JOIN tags ON = taggings.tag_id " +
"GROUP BY tag_id " +
"ORDER BY num_uses DESC," +
"LIMIT 25")
...and I get an "uninitialized constants ListingsController::Taggings" error
As a follow up question, I suppose I could create my own "Taggings" model and controller, which would make sense. If I do this, however, will I conflict with anything in the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids gem? If not, I guess that might just be the easy/better way to do this anyway!