




How do i resize the grid panel accoring to the window size. I have given viewconfig{ forcefit:true} but in internet explorer grid panel does not scale with the window size.

Please help me in this issue

var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({

store: store,

colModel: colModel,

view: gv,

stateId: 'myGridid',

stateful: true,

plugins: [filters],

autoHeight: true,

stripeRows: true,

id: 'my-grid',

title: xppo.st('SDE_PRINTERS'),

viewConfig: { forceFit: true },

tbar: tb,

listeners: {

                cellclick: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex, e) {
                    colClicked = colIndex;
                    if (colClicked != 0) {
                        if (grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(grid.getColumnModel().getColumnId(colIndex)) == 'Incident') {


                    if (colClicked != 0) {
                        var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
                        var paramInScope = record.get("InScope");
                        var paramAssetID = record.get("AssetID");

                        if (paramInScope == 'Yes') {
                            OpenPrinterDetailsPopup(paramAssetID, 800, 600);
                        else {
                            OpenPrinterDetailsPopup(paramAssetID, 300, 200);


                rowdblclick: function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
                    if (colClicked != 0) {
                        var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
                        var paramInScope = record.get("InScope");
                        var paramAssetID = record.get("AssetID");

                        if (record == null) {

                        if (paramInScope == 'Yes') {
                            OpenPrinterDetailsPopup(paramAssetID, 800, 600);
                        else {
                            OpenPrinterDetailsPopup(paramAssetID, 300, 200);
                expandedFilter: function() {
                collapsedFilter: function() {

        var userHidden = false;
        if (showColumn) {
            grid.getColumnModel().setHidden(23, false);
        else {
            grid.getColumnModel().setHidden(23, true);

        if (fl1) {
            grid.getColumnModel().setHidden(3, fl1);
        else {
            grid.getColumnModel().setHidden(3, flags1);




The forcefit:true bit only applies if the grid is inside of another container, I believe.

If you just have a free floating grid and it isn't being managed by the Ext Layout manager, I think you need to specify a size.

Easiest fix is probably to specify a ViewPort or Border Layout one level above the grid, and then specify the forceFit option.


If you want any component to take up the entire browser window and resize with it, use a Viewport and set layout to fit.

  // ...your grid code...
  //grid.render('grid-example');  <- do not render the grid, the viewport will do this for you
  var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
    layout: 'fit',
    items: [grid]

Note that your markup should now be <body></body>, since the Viewport will be managing the browser body.

Jonathan Julian
i had given viewport for the grid and commented the line grid.render but grid is not displayed on the web page. my code is in ascx page where i had given the javascript in script tag. you have mentioned body tag for the mark up i dint get that part .can you please explain me.
Here is a minimal Ext JS Viewport complete html page that you can use with your grid: http://gist.github.com/313826
Jonathan Julian
thank youi wil look at it and try to solve it.