I am trying to extend a recursive-descent parser to handle new operators and make them associate correctly. Originally there were only four operators (+ - / *) and they all had the same precedence. The function I am looking at is the parseExpRec function:
parseExpRec :: Exp -> [Token] -> (Exp, [Token])
parseExpRec e [] = (e, [])
parseExpRec e1 (op : ts) =
let (e2, ts') = parsePrimExp ts in
case op of
T_Power -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp Power e1 e2) ts'
T_Plus -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp Plus e1 e2) ts'
T_Minus -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp Minus e1 e2) ts'
T_Times -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp Times e1 e2) ts'
T_Divide -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp Divide e1 e2) ts'
T_GreaterThan -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp GreaterThan e1 e2) ts'
T_LessThan -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp LessThan e1 e2) ts'
T_GreaterOrEqual -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp GreaterOrEqual e1 e2) ts'
T_LessOrEqual -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp LessOrEqual e1 e2) ts'
T_EqualTo -> parseExpRec (BinOpApp EqualTo e1 e2) ts'
_ -> (e1, op : ts)
All of the pattern matching lines except T_Plus, T_Minus, T_Times and T_Divide have been added by me (and so have the associated tokens and extensions to the Exp datatype). However, none of them seem to associate correctly. For example, the string "3^4 + 2^3" evaluates to:
BinOpApp Power (BinOpApp Plus (BinOpApp Power (LitInt 3) (LitInt 4)) (LitInt 2)) (LitInt 3)
Which is equivalent to this in infix notation (with brackets included):
How would I fix this?