
SQL Precedence Query

I have a logging table which has three columns. One column is a unique identifier, One Column is called "Name" and the other is "Status". Values in the Name column can repeat so that you might see Name "Joe" in multiple rows. Name "Joe" might have a row with a status "open", another row with a status "closed", another with "waiting" an...

How do you do many to many table outer joins?

I have 3 tables, foo, foo2bar, and bar. foo2bar is a many to many map between foo and bar. Here are the contents. select * from foo +------+ | fid | +------+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | +------+ select * from foo2bar +------+------+ | fid | bid | +------+------+ | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 2 | | 2 | 1 | | 2 | 3...

Does operator precedence matter for && and == in javascrtipt?

More specifically, is there a set of values ( a, b and c) for which the operator precedence matters in the statement: var value = (a && b == c); (with the exception of NaN). ...

Where is it legal to use ruby splat operator?

Splats are cool. They're not just for exploding arrays, although that is fun. They can also cast to Array and flatten arrays (See for an exhaustive list of what they do.) It looks like one cannot perform additional operations on the splat, but in 1.8.6/1.9 the following code throws "unexpected ...

So maybe I'm not getting the idea in Ruby but I have a question about Enumerables inject.

The |m,k| thing kind of throws me off. Does this have anything to do with order of precedence? m standing for 0 (or 1 in some languages) and k for the last in the Array/Hash whatever? So why do people put a number in .inject()? Alternatively, is there an easy way to learn how to use this, and exactly what it's value is? Judging from th...

Where is the bug in this Console.WriteLine statement?

If you run the following code you get the output: The answer is: <br> <br> class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { HtmlElement element = new HtmlElement(); element.InnerHtml = "<br>"; string val = element.InnerHtml != null ? element.InnerHtml : element.InnerText != null ? element.InnerText : elem...

How does Perl decide which order to evaluate terms in an expression?

Given the code: my $x = 1; $x = $x * 5 * ($x += 5); I would expect $x to be 180: $x = $x * 5 * ($x += 5); #$x = 1 $x = $x * 5 * 6; #$x = 6 $x = 30 * 6; $x = 180; 180; But instead it is 30; however, if I change the ordering of the terms: $x = ($x += 5) * $x * 5; I do get 180. The reason I am confused is that perldoc per...

how does linq2sql handle tables with just FK in it?

I have a mapping table like: Article_to_Categories ArticleID CategoryID How would I insert into this table using linq2sql? ...

Precedence/weight to a column using FREETEXTTABLE in dymnamic TSQL

I have dynamic sql that perform paging and a full text search using CONTAINSTABLE which works fine. Problem is I would like to use FREETEXTTABLE but weight the rank of some colums over others Here is my orginal sql and the ranking weight I would like to integrate (I have changed names for privacy reasons) SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 10 T...

c# generic method overload not consistent with abstract Visitor pattern

Hello *, experimenting with Visitor pattern and generic method I found a kind of discrepancy in C#.NET. AFAIK C# compiler prefers an explicit overload to a generic method, therefore the following code: public abstract class A { public abstract void Accept(Visitor v); } public class B : A { public override void Accept(Visitor v...

Operator precedence and associativity in a parser (Haskell)

I am trying to extend a recursive-descent parser to handle new operators and make them associate correctly. Originally there were only four operators (+ - / *) and they all had the same precedence. The function I am looking at is the parseExpRec function: parseExpRec :: Exp -> [Token] -> (Exp, [Token]) parseExpRec e [...

rules precedence in bison

Hi Here is the grammar rules: ProcessExpression : EventExpression "->" ProcessExpression | ProcessName ; Please can you tell me how can I tell to bison that the first rule has the highest precedence than the second one? I have tried: %nonassoc PROC %right "->" ProcessExpression : EventExpression "->" Proces...

Can one mix "referecened" and "inline" complex types in XSD?

I was wondering if mixing "referecened" and "inline" types is allowed in XSD, e.g.: <schema> <element name="library" type="departments"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="department_name" type="string"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <complexType name="departements"> <sequence> <...

xslt import/include 2 files with the same template

Hello guys, I've got an interesting question on XSLT import/include. I have 2 XSLT files with the same rule. Receipt XSLT: (is run by itself) <xsl:template match="Booking" mode="extraStyle"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/receipt.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/> </xsl:template> EmailCommon XSLT: (serves as template libra...

What's wrong with this Perl boolean syntax?

I have hack I need to employ under these conditions: -It's the last page of data. -It's not the first page, either. -There's not a page-size-even number of data items. So I tried this code: my $use_hack = $last_page_number == $current_page_number and $page_number != 1 and $total_items % $items_per_page != 0; And I keep gett...

MySQL INSERT and SELECT Order of precedence

Hi, if an INSERT and a SELECT are done simultaneously on a mysql table which one will go first? Example: Suppose "users" table row count is 0. Then this two queries are run at the same time (assume it's at the same mili/micro second): INSERT into users (id) values (1) and SELECT COUNT(*) from users Will the last query return 0 or...

best practice on precedence of variable declaration and error handling in C

is there an advantage in one of the following two approaches over the other? here it is first tested, whether fopen succeeds at all and then all the variable declarations take place, to ensure they are not carried out, since they mustn't have had to void func(void) { FILE *fd; if ((fd = fopen("blafoo", "+r")) == NULL ) { ...

What is the order precedence of a = b == c in JavaScript?

var clicked = $(event.currentTarget || target); var clickedIsActive = clicked[0] ==[0]; I'm fairly new to js, and while attempting to read through some jQuery code, I came across the above section. What is the precedence for the second line? Is it: var clickedIsActive = (clicked[0] ==[0]); Or is it someth...

C Operator precedence (x[i] = --i)

Possible Duplicate: Could anyone explain these undefined behaviors (i = i++ + ++i , i = i++, etc) I am wondering if x[i] = --i is defined by C standard. I tested it with g++ and it looked like x[i] was resolved before i was decreased. Is this a standard? And can you give me some more information about how is this evaluated. ...

Haskell operator vs function precedence

Hi I am trying to verify something for myself about operator and function precedence in Haskell. For instance, the following code list = map foo $ xs can be rewritten as list = (map foo) $ (xs) and will eventually be list = map foo xs My question used to be, why the first formulation would not be rewritten as list = (map fo...