I've been working on getting my library c++ Lavish working with ruby using swig. The issue is that only some of the classes I've included in the interface file can be used and I get no errors during compilation of the bundle or loading in ruby. My swig interface file can be viewed here.
An example of what works and what doesn't.
sean$ irb
>> require "lavish"
=> true
>> v1 = Lavish::Vector2.new(1,2)
=> #<Lavish::Vector2:0x1011a25a0>
>> puts v1.x
=> nil
>> display = Lavish::Display.new
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN6lavish7DisplayC1Ev
Referenced from: /Users/seanc/Desktop/Lavish/samples/ruby/Tutorial 2 - Displaying A Triangle/lavish.bundle
Expected in: flat namespace
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN6lavish7DisplayC1Ev
Referenced from: /Users/seanc/Desktop/Lavish/samples/ruby/Tutorial 2 - Displaying A Triangle/lavish.bundle
Expected in: flat namespace
Trace/BPT trap
I can create the Display object in C++ and I have included the header in the swig interface file so I don't know where to look for what is wrong.
Any ideas?