



I would like to play a video from inside the rendered page with an iPhone/Safari.

When I put a <video>, it's always opened and played in a separate full-screen Quicktime window. Is there a way to play the video directly from the page?

(a similar question suggests it's not possible)

+2  A: 

No, with the current SDK compatible media will always play in full screen and there is no way to avoid that.

Greg Martin
thanks, do you have a link to apple documentation about that?

The Safari browser on the iPhone/iPod touch are unable to play video or audio within the browser because of the restraints that Apple has placed on it. They do not allow streaming media or Flash compatibility because it would defeat the purpose of creating apps (people would just rely on flash based apps and other games).

It is not possible to play in-browser video or audio without a plug-in such as seen in desktop browsers - that being said, you can have your video be played on a button press within the browser and have it go to the same page on finishing.

That's untrue -- you can play video with the "QuickTime" player in Safari. The first examples that come to mind are Radio Paradise and Ryan Bates' Railscasts, both of which I've played on my iPhone.
Benjamin Oakes
+2  A: 

Yes, it's possible to play video within the browser, but as you said, in the Quicktime fullscreen application, and the HTML5 sound API is not available (in iPhone OS 3.x).

But in the coming iPhone OS 4, it will be possible (used for iAd), so you will have to wait until this summer (or play with the beta SDK now).

Samuel Michelot
not sure you can - just tried several html5 video sites on the iphone from safari and they all opened in the player? see;
daniel Crabbe
Yes, looks like it's not available in the official version. But looks possible on iPad..
Samuel Michelot