I was unsure as to how to title this question...
Basically, I've downloaded some "Desktop Blog Applications" which is a desktop applications that lets you post to your blog. You get the usual headline/text form and you can add images and stuff.
When using these application, you get to set up your blog settings, your URL, and then tell it what "blog software" your blog uses and then it will use the correct API's for your blog to fetch your blogs, create a new one, edit old ones and so on.
Well, I'm the author of an (PHP) CMS and I'm not utilizing any pre-made blogging framework but have written my own that uses my databases and my ways to handle members, replies, comments and such.
Well, is there ANY way to build a bridge between any of these blog softwares and my software so that I could tell users that they can download "MarsEdit" (for instance) and then point it to url X and set it to blog software Y and then it will just work?
What I need is some form a middle-layer API that I can use to send and receive blog content from and to the users application according to an open and nice/competent blog interface.
Any ideas, or am I not making any sense?