The explaination is given in answers to this question. To sum it up here:
Functions in Python are a kind of object. Because they are a kind of object, they act like objects when instantiated. A function, if defined with a mutable attribute as a default argument, is exactly the same as a class with a static attribute that is a mutable list.
Lennart Regebro has a good explanation and the answer to the question by Roberto Liffredo is excellent.
To adapt Lennart's answer ... if I have a BananaBunch
class BananaBunch:
bananas = []
def addBanana(self, banana):
bunch = BananaBunch()
>>> bunch
<__main__.BananaBunch instance at 0x011A7FA8>
>>> bunch.addBanana(1)
>>> bunch.bananas
>>> for i in range(6):
bunch.addBanana("Banana #" + i)
>>> for i in range(6):
bunch.addBanana("Banana #" + str(i))
>>> bunch.bananas
[1, 'Banana #0', 'Banana #1', 'Banana #2', 'Banana #3', 'Banana #4', 'Banana #5']
// And for review ...
//If I then add something to the BananaBunch class ...
>>> BananaBunch.bananas.append("A mutated banana")
//My own bunch is suddenly corrupted. :-)
>>> bunch.bananas
[1, 'Banana #0', 'Banana #1', 'Banana #2', 'Banana #3', 'Banana #4', 'Banana #5', 'A mutated banana']
How does this apply to functions? Functions in Python are objects. This bears repeating. Functions in Python are objects.
So when you create a function, you are creating an object. When you give a function a mutable default value, you are populating that object's attribute with a mutable value, and every time you call that function you are operating on the same attribute. So if you are using a mutable call (like append), then you are modifying the same object, just as if you were adding bananas to the bunch