I am using a GroupingStore to load data into a grid, data is loaded from server and read via a JSON reader. Here is the releveant code
var reader = new Ext.data.JsonReader({
successProperty: 'success',
idProperty: 'id',
root: 'data',
messageProperty: 'message'
}, [
{name: 'id'},
{name: 'creator'},
{name: 'first_name', allowBlank: false},
{name: 'last_name', allowBlank: false}
var store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({
id: 'person',
proxy: proxy,
reader: reader,
sortInfo:{field: 'first_name', direction: "ASC"}
It is correctly being loaded into grid, but with this data I want to send some more data, which is not realted to grid but will save me a trip to server. So is there anyway I can access the orginal data returned from server?
I have tried using a callback in load
but data in loadCallback is only list of records not orginal data.
Edit: a example from server i return {'form_items':[ ], 'data': [] }, data node is used as root of store and contains row for grid, i want to access form_items or actually the the orginal data which server returned to the store.