



I tried out this Codejam problem and produced a valid solution in C++. There is a Python solution on the website. Was wondering if any C++ people would offer some improvements/optimizations to this solution. Thanks!

BTW: In Codejam the goal is to write code as fast as possible (a reason why Python would have been a better language choice) but I'm interested in improving the solution.

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Watershed Practice Problem

using namespace std;

#ifdef DEBUG
static int running_time;

void SplitString(const string &s,
                 char delim,
                 vector<string> &elems) {
  stringstream ss(s);
  string item;
  while(getline(ss, item, delim)) {

void PrintMap(const char map[], int height, int width) {
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
        cout << map[(i * width) + j] << " "; 
      cout << endl;

void MinNeighbor(const int altitude_map[],
                 int height, int width,
                 int i, int j,
                 int & n_i, int & n_j) {
  int min_altitude = altitude_map[(i * width) + j];

  n_i = i;
  n_j = j;

  // North.
  if ((i - 1) >= 0
      && altitude_map[((i - 1) * width) + j] < min_altitude)  {
    min_altitude = altitude_map[((i - 1) * width) + j];
    n_i = i - 1;
    n_j = j;
  // West.
  if ((j - 1) >= 0
      && altitude_map[(i * width) + (j - 1)] < min_altitude) {
    min_altitude = altitude_map[(i * width) + (j - 1)]; 
    n_i = i;
    n_j = j - 1;
  // East.
  if ((j + 1) < width
      && altitude_map[(i * width) + (j + 1)] < min_altitude) {
    min_altitude = altitude_map[(i * width) + (j + 1)]; 
    n_i = i;
    n_j = j + 1;
  // South.
  if ((i + 1) < height
      && altitude_map[((i + 1) * width) + j] < min_altitude)  {
    min_altitude = altitude_map[((i + 1) * width) + j];
    n_i = i + 1;
    n_j = j;

void Drain(const int altitude_map[],
           char label_map[],
           char & label,
           int height, int width,
           int i, int j) {
  int n_i = 0;
  int n_j = 0;

  MinNeighbor(altitude_map, height, width, i, j, n_i, n_j);

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << endl;
  cout << "The min neighbor of : (" << i << "," << j << ") ";
  cout << "is (" << n_i << "," << n_j << ")" << endl;

  if (altitude_map[(n_i * width) + n_j] < altitude_map[(i * width) + j]) {
    // We are draining into an existing basin; use its label.
    if (label_map[(n_i*width) + n_j] != '-')
      label = label_map[(n_i*width) + n_j];
    else // Drain into the neighboring cell with the smallest altitude.
      Drain(altitude_map, label_map, label, height, width, n_i, n_j);

  label_map[(i*width) + j] = label;

#ifdef DEBUG

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  string file_name;
  if (argc < 2)
    file_name = "";
    file_name = argv[1];

  ifstream input_file;;


  string line;
  // The first line contains the number of maps.
  getline(input_file, line); 

  int num_maps = atoi(line.c_str());
  int case_num = 1;

  while (case_num <= num_maps) {

    getline(input_file, line);  // Line should have two numbers: W H.

    size_t delim = line.find(" ");
    int height = atoi(line.substr(0, delim).c_str());
    int width = atoi(line.substr(delim + 1).c_str());

    int altitude_map[height * width];
    char label_map[height * width];

    // Populate the altitude map and initialize the label map.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      getline(input_file, line);

      vector<string> row;
      SplitString(line, ' ', row); 

      int j = 0;
      for (vector<string>::const_iterator ci = row.begin(); 
          ci != row.end(); ++ci) {
        label_map[(i * width) + j] = '-';
        altitude_map[(i * width) + j++] = atoi(ci->c_str());

    char current_label = 'a';

    // Populate the labels.
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
        if (label_map[(i * width) + j] == '-') {
          char label = current_label;
          Drain(altitude_map, label_map, label, height, width, i, j);
          if (label == current_label)

    cout << "Case #" << case_num++ << ":" << endl;
    PrintMap(label_map, height, width);

#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << endl << "Running Time: " << running_time << endl;
    running_time = 0;


  return 0;

// vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=2:
+1  A: 

One way to at least make the code look nicer is to use what I call direction vectors. I don't know if there's a name for them in the literature or not. Say you are at a position [X][Y] and want to list its neighbours. Consider:

dx[] = {1, 0, 0 - 1};
dy[] = {0, -1, 1, 0};

Now, this will give you the neighbours in order as asked by the problem:

for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
  newx = X + dx[i];
  newy = Y + dy[i];
  // [newx][newy] is a neighbour of [X][Y]

Second, I would suggest you avoid using the vector type in a programming contest, as it tends to be slower than using char arrays. Same with the string type. Try to stick to classic C data types unless a C++ data structure will REALLY make your life easier.

Third, don't use a a one-dimensional array when you could use a 2d one, doing the multiplications yourself is probably slower anyway. It's definitely not going to get you an advantage anyway.

Fourth, try to avoid local variables. Declaring things like:

int altitude_map[height * width];
char label_map[height * width];

locally can be VERY expensive in a contest, especially since yours are in a loop. It's good PROGRAMMING practice, but it's bad if you want every bit of speed you can get.

Other than that, the theoretical complexity is O(rows x cols), which is optimal.

Edit: are you reading the numbers as strings? Don't, stringstreams are also slow, just read them in as ints or use the C fread function if you want to have a really fast reading.

Edit 2: avoid recursion! you can use a FIFO queue that stores your position and thus avoid your recursive calls. Basically, do a BF search instead of your current DF search. Look up the Lee algorithm. Check my reply here:

1) The only thing slower about std::vector is the allocation. Reserve (or resize) the space up front and its just as fast as a C array after that. 2) There is nowt wrong with recursion!
1) There is still overhead involved due to the implementation of the vector class. Then the same overhead with the string class. There is no point using a vector just for the sake of using a vector - the whole point of the vector class is NOT to allocate the memory up front because it resizes itself. If you know how much you need, what's the point of using a vector just for the sake of using a vector? A classic array is much better in a contest environment. In contests vectors are useful to implement adjacency lists for example, because they save you the trouble of using linked lists.
2) Nothing wrong with recursion? There is plenty wrong with recursion in a contest environment (and I dare say in any environment): stack memory limit can easily be exceeded, overhead of function calls, overhead of copying the parameters for each function call, recursion usually means a DF search, which is usually slower than a BF search, it's harder to debug, it uses more memory; it's a simple solution but not an elegant one and not an efficient one.

Here is the solution from the fastest (7 mins) contestant in C. Very concise. He doesn't even take the time to use the Spacebar :)

#define INF 999999
int n, m;
int a[128][128];
int path[128][128];
int dx[4]={-1, 0, 0, 1};
int dy[4]={0, -1, 1, 0};
int inv[4]={3, 2, 1, 0};
int ans[128][128], anscnt;
bool v[128][128];
void f1(int x, int y)
    v[x][y]=true; ans[x][y]=anscnt;
    int k, nx, ny;
        if(!v[nx][ny]) f1(nx, ny);
        nx=x+dx[k]; ny=y+dy[k];
        if(nx<1 || ny<1 || nx>n || ny>m) continue;
        if(path[nx][ny]!=-1 && nx+dx[path[nx][ny]]==x && ny+dy[path[nx][ny]]==y && !v[nx][ny])
            f1(nx, ny);
int main()
    char filename[32];
    char infile[32], outfile[32];
    scanf("%s", filename);
    strcpy(infile, filename); strcpy(outfile, filename);
    strcat(infile, ".in"); strcat(outfile, ".out");
    FILE *fp=fopen(infile, "r"), *ofp=fopen(outfile, "w");

    int t, tc;
    int i, j, k;
    int nx, ny;
    int mh, pt;
    fscanf(fp, "%d", &tc);
        fscanf(fp, "%d%d", &n, &m);
            for(j=1;j<=m;j++) fscanf(fp, "%d", &a[i][j]);
                    nx=i+dx[k]; ny=j+dy[k];
                    if(nx<1 || ny<1 || nx>n || ny>m) continue;
                    if(mh>a[nx][ny]){mh=a[nx][ny]; pt=k;}
                if(mh>=a[i][j]) continue;
        memset(v, false, sizeof(v));
                if(v[i][j]) continue;
                anscnt++; f1(i, j);
        fprintf(ofp, "Case #%d:\n", t);
                fprintf(ofp, "%c ", ans[i][j]+'a'-1);
            fprintf(ofp, "%c\n", ans[i][m]+'a'-1);
    return 0;
Pierre-Antoine LaFayette
Wow... computer science contests, gotta love 'em for teaching bad habits for what, 20 years now? :)I like how he doesn't bother to use the spacebar yet bothers with writing the same magic numbers over and over again, with using recursion, with using brackets for a single instruction, with writing most of the solution in the main function, with using weird mixtures of global and local variables etc. You can make it faster, shorter and easier to read, and still write it quickly enough.