I have a class 'DOInstance' which I inherit later on. Here's its declaration:
@interface DOInstance : NSObject {
- (DOInstance *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey;
Then I have a subclass of DOInstance:
@interface Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px: DOInstance {
//- (Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey;
I go ahead and implement it in the implementation file:
- (Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px *) initWithSynckey:(NSString *)_synckey {
[super initWithSynckey:_synckey];
return self;
Now, If I do not declare initWithSynckey: (the commented declaration above) in my subclass declaration, I get a warning at the implementation: "warning: initialization from distinct Objective-C type". If I declare it, this warning goes away. Okay.
Moving on:
I later do an instantiation of my subclass:
Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px *instance;
instance = [[Workflow_Workitem_Header_1px alloc] initWithSynckey:@"xxxx"];
Now, this gives me the same warning (irrespective of whether or not I declare the corresponding initWithSynckey: selector in my subclass. Namely, "warning: initialization from distinct Objective-C type".
What am I doing wrong?