





I have a strange behave: After making a few changes in my code, I got an unasked URL in the NSURL. Actually, this URL was valid in a test I made yesterday, but the system remembers this URL and I cannot changed it even in another app.

When I strted a new app with the followung code:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    NSURL *URLurl = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.google.com"];
    NSLog([URLurl absoluteString]);

the baseUrl is something like: http:inl.co.il, even I asked for google.com, the NSLog is correct and prints: http://www.google.com

But it does not help me since the base is what the entire code works with.

And strangly, where from is that NSURL taking this old unused string?

Any help?

Thank you