I am in the process of converting our logging implementation to use System.Diagnostics.TraceSource. We want to take advantage of activity tracing and we want to read multiple log files from multiple servers with tools like WCF's svctraceviewer & logparser.
I have converted our code to use TraceSource and now I am in the process of evaluating performance of trace listeners. Ultimately we want to take advantage of ETW but it will be a few months before we move to Windows Server 2008 so we cannot use EventProviderTraceListener yet. From the documentation it is clear that EventSchemaTraceListener is the best performing trace listener that produces text file output. Previously I had been using XmlWriterTraceListener and I was able to open up the logs created by it with svctraceviewer. Unfortunately EventSchemaTraceListener outputs different XML and although svctraceviewer does open and convert the file it doesn't do a great job and important fields are lost (like the text of the log message).
Is there a tool other than EventViewer on Vista & Windows 7 for reading the log files created by EventSchemaTraceListener. I was hoping to use svctraceviewer because it does a nice job of filtering and following activity tranfers.
I could write an XSLT transform to convert the XML to the format expected by svctraceviewer. If that is the only way to do this I will probably do that but I was hoping that there was already a tool to read the newer format output by EventSchemaTraceListener. Does anybody know?