I am trying to create a report that has a summary for each group. For example:
ID NAME COUNT TOTAL TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Test 1 10 A 2 Test 2 8 A 18 7 Mr. Test 9 B 12 XYZ 4 B 13 25 ABC 3 C 26 DEF 5 C 19 GHIJK 1 C 9
I have a query that can do everything except the TOTAL columns:
select sd.id DATA_REF_NUM ID, count(sd.DATA_DEF_ID) COUNT, defs.data_name NAME, sd.type
from some_data sd, data_defs defs
where sd.data_def_id = defs.data_def_id
group by some_data.type, some_data.id, defs.data_nam
order by some_data.id asc, count(amv.MSG_ID) desc ;
I'm just not sure how to get a summary on a group. In this case, I'm trying to get a sum of COUNT for each group of ID.
Groups are by type. Forgot that in the original post.
TOTAL is SUM(COUNT) for each group.