



Suppose I have:

struct Magic {
  Magic(Foo* foo);
  Magic(Bar* bar);

Is there a way to make Magic a template, and define template classes s.t.

typedef Magic<FooPolicy, ...> MagicFoo;
typedef Magic<BarPolicy, ...> MagicBar;
typedef Magic<..., ...> MagicNone;
typedef Magic<FooPolicy, BarPolicy> MagicAll;

s.t. MagicFoo & MagicAll have the Foo* constructor; MagicBar & MagicAll has the Bar* constructor; and MagicNone nas neither the Foo* nor the Bar* constructor?

Basically I want constructors to exist or not exist based on policy classes.


That looks like an application for subclasses, not policy classes. MagicFoo and MagicBar seem to want to be subclasses of Magic, which itself might have a protected constructor.

Mike DeSimone

You can have a template definition for all policies and a specialization for MagicNone. An example will be:

template<class T> 
 struct Magic {
  Magic(T *o) {}

struct None {};

// specialize for MagicNone
template<> struct Magic<None> {
  Magic() {} // default ctor

int main()
  int a = 32;
  Magic<int> mi(&a);
  Magic<None> m;
+4  A: 

You can write a constructor accepting anything, and then delegate to whatever the policies provide:

// "Tag" and "No" are used to make the class/function unique 
// (makes the using declarations work with GCC). 
template<int Tag>
struct No { void init(No); };

template<typename P1 = No<0>, typename P2 = No<1>, typename P3 = No<2> >
struct Magic : P1, P2, P3 {
  template<typename T>
  Magic(T t) {

  using P1::init;
  using P2::init;
  using P3::init;

Now, once you forward the argument, the compiler will figure out the best match among the policies:

struct IntPolicy { void init(int) { std::cout << "called int!"; } };
struct FloatPolicy { void init(float) { std::cout << "called float!"; } };
Magic<IntPolicy, FloatPolicy> m(0), n(0.0f);
Johannes Schaub - litb