



Using AVD, I successfully obtained the USB driver. I followed the instructions on this page USB Driver for Windows but Windows never prompted with the "Found new hardware..." message.

I'm running Vista x64 SP2 and I can see the amd64 folder under ~\Android SDK\tools\usb_driver.

The Manage Devices applet shows no listing for "ADB Interface" so it certainly appears that it is not there. I tried a scan for hardware changes -- nada. And running "adb devices" comes back empty (as expected).

How do I install the ADB Interface?


If you have access to a Linux machine, It would be a lot easier to do it on that. But assuming you don't...

Can you find the device in the device manager? if so you could install the driver that way, see "Windows Vista: Upgrade an existing driver" here

Also, do you even see it as a mass storage device?

As mentioned, "ADB Interface" (the expected name of the device in Dev Manager) doesn't appear. I only see the device under storage. Nothing appears under USB.Odd thing is Eclipse and Android SDK have installed fine, I can download and install plug-ins via AVD Manager, the emulator works and runs code. But this is the first time I've attempted to install something on my device.

I derived the solution after reading this page How-To #0: How to Install Usb Driver on Your Computer. Though the listed instructions didn't work for me, it did lead me to the solution so: credit where credit is due.

Vista automatically recognized the SD card and will install a USB Mass Storage Driver for that. Contrary to the instructions on the linked page, I did not have to remove this driver. Another comment in the text led me to needing to enable debugging mode (Settings -> Applications -> Development -> Debugging Mode). As soon as I enabled this (with the device connected), Vista immediately installed an "Unknown" driver for the connection and I was able to successfully update the driver. Works great!
