Hello, I have a situation where I have a workflow that uses custom activities within a activity library. The workflow uses the custom activities that moves from custom activity 1 to custom activity 2. In custom activity 1 I create a dependency property that passes in my object (say a Widget) with custom properties. Inside the activity it updates the properties on the Widget (i.e. sets Widget.Name = "New Name"). Inside custom activity 2 I would like to update the same dependent property to update additional properties on the Widget (i.e. set Widget.Title = "New Title").
My question is if I register the Dependency Property in Custom Activity 1 how do I use the dependency property in custom activity 2? If I try and register the property in the second activity I get a build error saying "A property with the same name already exists". The other idea I had was instead of registering the dependency property I tried to use DepenedncyProperty.FromName but that doesn't seem to work either.