



I create table: id, name, thread_id The mainly thread has thread_id = 0, but their children has theard_id = id of parent, and how is the best and simplest solution to create list with children, and looks like:

  1. Category 1
    Product 1
    Product 2
  2. Category 2
    Product 3

Maybe You have better solution for such a list?

Sorry, for my english:)

+1  A: 

I suspect that the easiest way may be to use Cake's own TreeBehavior. More on that at I've never used it personally, but have heard good things. It should provide all of the tools (and instruction) you need.

Rob Wilkerson
I know this, and I used, but Tree Behavior is for unlimited levels, but, I want create the most simplest tree, only with 2 levels (parent and childrens). Tree behavior in this moment, will be "too big":)I know there is in CakePHP find('threaded'), but I can't understood this...
Sounds like you might be after this: I don't know the details, but it appears to use a hybrid of the nested set and adjacency list models.
Rob Wilkerson
+1  A: 

One of easiest and efficient is to use Tree behavior as proposed by kicaj-pl. But I suggest you to consider MultiTree Behavior. It's also using nested tree database model but allows you to create many trees with different root_id and independent left and right values (so update of one tree doesn't update any other).


Ah! I found this sentence: When You use find('threaded') you have to field 'parent_id' for creating structure like tree... All works fine!

Thanks for replies, bye!


Try the MPPT logic for It. For that you need 3 fields in your database table viz parent_id , lft , rght. And to implement it using CakePHP, CakePHP already provided the function for it for that please refer :)

Tushar Mahajan