




I want to learn programming in SQL from some SQL tutorial sites of which I heard of here but I need some environment for executing query's. I think I have both SQL CE and SQL EE installed on my computer but I have some doubts about these DBMS and I don't know exactly how to use SQLCMD utility so I hope someone here will have time and will to explain me the following:

  1. Since running sqlcmd -S.\sqlexpress at command prompt command gives "1>" prompt I assume I have SQL express installed but anyway how can I be sure what I have installed on my machine since I cannot find in installed programs SQL Express Edition name?

  2. Can I ship and use database with my C# (VC# Express) application which was created with SQL EE (embedded?)?

  3. How can use sqlcmd for learning SQL, that is by issuing commands like create, use, select..., again emphasize is on learning SQL I do not want to run scripts but use interactive command prompt like with MySQL (since I want to use SQL I would pretty much like to avoid graphical tools for DBMS)?

  4. Please tell me if you have some other advice regarding as to what should I better use in learning how to program in SQL or should I stick with the above for now.

Thanks in advance.


You will want to use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. It's a lot easier and you can save your queries. You can download it straight from microsoft, just google it.

To use it with a custom program the user has to have Express installed as well unless you convert the database into something else. A lot of companies that make programs which use a SQL Server database ship their product with SQL Express part of it.

A great place to start learning SQL is w3schools.


A good place to get started with SQL is at sql zoo


I made a little program: SqlCdm like but for SDF files. Here is the code, and a simple test follow.

The usage of my program show this:

SqlCeCmd: [--create-database] [--shrink-database] --connection-string <connection_string> -f <sql_file>
  if create-database flag is present, it will be created for you.
  if shrink-database is present, the database will be shrinked.
WARNING: only one sqlfile can be provided

May be SqlCmd supported it? But any way here is the code


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;

namespace SqlCeCmd
  /// <summary>
  /// A basic SqlCeCmd to be an equivalent to SqlCmd but for sdf files.
  /// </summary>
  public static class SqlCeCmd

    private static void showUsage()
      Console.Out.WriteLine("SqlCeCmd: [--create-database] [--shrink-database] --connection-string <connection_string> -f <sql_file>");
      Console.Out.WriteLine("  if create-database flag is present, it will be created for you.");
      Console.Out.WriteLine("  if shrink-database is present, the database will be shrinked.");
      Console.Out.WriteLine("WARNING: only one sqlfile can be provided");

    /// <summary>
    /// The main entry point for the application.
    /// </summary>
    static void Main(string[] args)
      if (args.Length == 0)

      // parsing arguments
      string connectionString = "";
      string sqlFile = "";
      bool createDatabase = false;
      bool shrinkDatabase = false;

      bool nextIsConnectionString = false;
      bool nextIsSqlFile = false;
      foreach (string arg in args)

        // ConnectionString
        if (nextIsConnectionString)
          connectionString = arg;
          nextIsConnectionString = false;
        if (arg.Equals("--connection-string"))
          nextIsConnectionString = true;

        // SqlFile
        if (nextIsSqlFile)
          sqlFile = arg;
          nextIsSqlFile = false;
        if (arg.Equals("-f"))
          nextIsSqlFile = true;

        if (arg.Equals("--create-database"))
          createDatabase = true;
        if (arg.Equals("--shrink-database"))
          shrinkDatabase = true;


      if (connectionString == "")
        Console.Out.WriteLine("error: can't find --connection-string <connection_string>");

      if (!createDatabase && sqlFile == "")
        Console.Out.WriteLine("error: can't find -f <sql_file>");

      // creating database?
      if (createDatabase)
      if (shrinkDatabase)

      // executing queies
      if (sqlFile != "")
        Console.Out.WriteLine("connectionString: " + connectionString);
        Console.Out.WriteLine("sqlFile: " + sqlFile);
        executeSqlFile(connectionString, sqlFile);

    private static void createSdfDatabase(string connectionString)
      Console.Out.WriteLine("Creating database: " + connectionString);
      new SqlCeEngine(connectionString).CreateDatabase();
    private static void shrinkSdfDatabase(string connectionString)
      Console.Out.WriteLine("Shrinking database: " + connectionString);
      new SqlCeEngine(connectionString).Shrink();

    public static void executeSqlFile(String connectionString, String sqlFile)

      IDbConnection cn = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString);
      string lastQuery = ""; // for debug only
        foreach (string query in splitCaseInsensitive(readWholeFile(sqlFile), "go"))
          if (!query.Trim().Equals(""))
            lastQuery = query;
            executeSqlQuery(cn, query);
      catch (Exception e)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("error: executing " + lastQuery);

    private static void executeSqlQuery(IDbConnection cn, string query)
      IDbCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(query);
      cmd.Connection = cn;
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

    // ************************
    // Util
    // ************************
    public static String[] split(String text, String delimiter)
      return split(text, delimiter, false);

    public static String[] splitCaseInsensitive(String text, String delimiter)
      return split(text, delimiter, true);

    private static String[] split(String text, String delimiter, bool caseSensitive)
      List<String> splitted = new List<String>();
      String remaining = text;

      while (remaining.IndexOf(delimiter) > -1)
        splitted.Add(leftMost(remaining, delimiter));
        remaining = right(remaining, delimiter);

      return splitted.ToArray();

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="expression">The string to split</param>
    /// <param name="delimiter">The splitting delimiter</param>
    /// <returns>The left most part of the string</returns>
    public static string leftMost(string expression, string delimiter)
      int index = expression.IndexOf(delimiter);
      if (index > 0)
        return expression.Substring(0, index);
      return "";

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="expression">The string to split</param>
    /// <param name="delimiter">The splitting delimiter</param>
    /// <returns>Return the right part of an expression</returns>
    public static string right(string expression, string delimiter)
      int index = expression.IndexOf(delimiter);
      if (index > -1 && index < (expression.Length - 1))
        return expression.Substring(index + delimiter.Length, expression.Length - index - delimiter.Length);
      return "";

    /// <summary>
    /// Read the whole file and return its content
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">path for existing file used to read from</param>
    /// <returns>The whole content of the file</returns>
    public static string readWholeFile(string path)
      StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(path);
      string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
      return content;


@echo off

:: Creating the Test.sql file
echo create table test (id int, test nvarchar(100)) > Test.sql
echo go >> Test.sql
echo create table test2 (id int, test nvarchar(100)) >> Test.sql

rm -f Test.sdf
SqlCeCmd.exe --create-database --connection-string "data source='Test.sdf'; mode=Exclusive; LCID=3084" -f "Test.sql"

:: an error should be raised here
:: SqlCeCmd.exe --connection-string "data source='Test.sdf'; mode=Exclusive; LCID=3084" -f Test.sql

Louis Lynch