



I'm having a problem with an ASP.NET MVC application that I'm developing. I'm still fairly new at web development and in particular MVC, so please forgive me is this is a really stupid newbie mistake ;-)

I have a view that displays a list of products. Each product has a 'details' link that I want to link to a details view for that product. So, here's the relevant markup from the view:

<% foreach (var item in Model) { %>
        <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.StockCode.ToString() }) %>
        <%= Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id=item.StockCode.ToString() })%>
        <%= Html.Encode(item.StockCode) %>
        <%= Html.Encode(item.Description) %>

<% } %>

So far so good. When I hover the mouse over the details link in the web browser, the link shows up as:


R8517 is the stock code for the item. So, that's what I expect to see in my Action Method. Here's the Action Method:

// GET: /RawMaterial/Details/5

public ActionResult Details(string stockCode)
    return View(repository.GetByStockCode(stockCode));

But... when the Action Method executes, the parameter (stockCode) is null.

Any thoughts?

+4  A: 

The parameter you need to accept shouldn't be "stockCode" is should be "id"

MVC is trying to model bind the "id=item.StockCode.ToString()" to a parameter that is named the same. Your action method should be:

public ActionResult Details(string id)
D'oh! It seems so obvious now...
Tim Long
+1  A: 

+1 to DM's answer, but you also have another option. You can register special route for your case. Something like this:

routes.MapRoute("RawMaterial",  "RawMaterial/{action}/{stockCode}", 
    new { controller = "RawMaterial", action = "Index" } );
Mike Chaliy