




Hello. I write a 3D engine in C++ with OpenGL. I usually work on this project on my archlinux 64 bits, but on theese holidays I do on a 32 bits system. I use subversion, and since the last svn up on my 64 bits system, I've got errors :


core, wrapper and interface are compilet using the -fPIC option, I do not understand so ...

Thanks :)


Relocation errors like these are almost always generated when fubar'ing 32 and 64bit build options. These happen when using options like -m64 or -march=medium in your build, which forces things to 64bit, which is something you don't want at this time.

I don't think so. If the architectures don't match, you'd get an error more like `ld: i386 architecture of input file '32.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output`
+2  A: 

It appears to be a relocation error, some of your files aren't being compiled with -fPIC. Change your flags to include -fPIC and then do a make clean before building again.

Joe D