I'm parsing an XHTML document using PHP's SimpleXML. I need to query a series of ul's in the document for a node containing a specific value, then find that node's parent's direct previous sibling... code will help explain!
Given the following dummy xhtml:
<ul class="attr-list">
<li>Active Life (active)</li>
<li>Amateur Sports Teams (amateursportsteams)</li>
<li>Amusement Parks (amusementparks)</li>
<li>Fitness & Instruction (fitness)</li>
<li>Dance Studios (dancestudio)</li>
<li>Gyms (gyms)</li>
<li>Martial Arts (martialarts)</li>
<li>Pilates (pilates)</li>
<li>Swimming Lessons/Schools (swimminglessons)</li>
<li>Go Karts (gokarts)</li>
<li>Mini Golf (mini_golf)</li>
<li>Parks (parks)</li>
<li>Dog Parks (dog_parks)</li>
<li>Skate Parks (skate_parks)</li>
<li>Playgrounds (playgrounds)</li>
<li>Rafting/Kayaking (rafting)</li>
<li>Tennis (tennis)</li>
<li>Zoos (zoos)</li>
<li>Arts & Entertainment (arts)</li>
<li>Arcades (arcades)</li>
<li>Art Galleries (galleries)</li>
<li>Wineries (wineries)</li>
<li>Automotive (auto)</li>
<li>Auto Detailing (auto_detailing)</li>
<li>Auto Glass Services (autoglass)</li>
<li>Auto Parts & Supplies (autopartssupplies)</li>
<li>Nightlife (nightlife)</li>
<li>Bars (bars)</li>
<li>Dive Bars (divebars)</li>
I need to be able to query the ul.attr-list for a child element, and discover its "root" category. I cannot change the xhtml to be formed differently.
So, if I have "galleries" as a category, I need to know that it is in the "arts" "root" category. Or, if I have "dog_parks", I need to know that it is in the "active" category. The following code gets the job done, but only with the assumption that at max there are two nested levels:
function get_root_category($shortCategoryName){
$url = "http://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/category_list";
$result = file_get_contents($url);
$dom = new domDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$sxml = simplexml_import_dom($dom);
$lvl1 = $sxml->xpath("//li[contains(., '".$shortCategoryName."')]/parent::ul/preceding-sibling::li");
$lvl2 = $sxml->xpath("//li[contains(., '".$shortCategoryName."')]/parent::ul/preceding-sibling::li/parent::ul/preceding-sibling::li");
return array_pop($lvl2);
} else {
return array_pop($lvl1);
There has to be a better way to write that XPath, so that only one query needs to be made, and is relatively bulletproof to multiple, nested levels. Any ideas?
EDIT:: Thanks to those that pointed out that this HTML is not valid. However, the structure of the page is set, and I cannot edit it; I can only use it as a resource, and have to make due with what it is.