Hey, I had a problem with the limitation of paths Here for example I run this command... :
String[] cmd = new String[] {"command.com","/C", "Resource\\gcc.exe", "-E",
in_path, ">",
in_path : the path where is contain the directory of file cpp
out_path: output file after processing the first bearing the same name as input and thus fichier.cpp
for exemple: in_path= d:/directorycpp/file1.cpp out_path= file1.cpp
Well there are two cases that don't function in tests If the path is set when the cpp file for the test is too long If the path is short and that the file name contains more than 8caractère then it goes not so. I read that gcc has limited character, but when I run my command in command prompt it passes So why does not work in my case Should I add an option or another??