



Been googling around for a while now and found other references to this problem but no solution.

I have an MFC program I build with Visual Studio 6. It includes a CPropertySheetEx-derived class that runs a PSH_WIZARD97 style property sheet with watermark bitmap as well as a header bitmap, and a title and subtitle in the header of each property page.

Works great, but recently I decided to try adding the Common Controls 6 requirement to my manifest file to make the app look nicer. Now I get the new look to my controls but the header area of my wizard is completely blank... no bitmap, no title, and no subtitle. This only happens on Vista. If I run the app on XP the header still appears.

These are the other links to people who seem to have the same problem. Nothing in the answers was helpful to me, however:

Any ideas why the header would be blank on Vista?

Edit: I think this might have something to do with MFC version. I found a Wizard demo app that works fine on Vista. Only difference I can see so far is that it links with MFC7.