
Common Controls 6.0 in Windows 2000?

I'm wanting to use Grouping in CListCtrls, which seems to have been introduced in Common Controls 6. CC6 only came out with XP, so we have a problem with Windows 2000 and earlier. Deploying a new version of Comctl32.dll would seem to be the solution - however, our software has the requirement of being a standalone executable. Is there a...

Placing a image inside an CEdit control in Win32

I'm trying to achieve an effect where there's a visible logo inside an edit control and the logo becomes hidden when the user places the focus on the edit control. What's the best way to approach this? Would it be better to place an image control on top of the edit control or paint the background of the edit control transparent and pos...

Wizard header disappearing in Vista when I added Common Controls 6 to manifest

Been googling around for a while now and found other references to this problem but no solution. I have an MFC program I build with Visual Studio 6. It includes a CPropertySheetEx-derived class that runs a PSH_WIZARD97 style property sheet with watermark bitmap as well as a header bitmap, and a title and subtitle in the header of each p...

How do I prevent flickering on CListCtrl?

I'm using a CListCtrl/CListView report view (LVS_REPORT) in virtual mode (LVS_OWNERDATA) with LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER enabled and I encounter ugly flickering. Double buffer have a real effect but it doesn't stop all flickering (without it very slow). I'm not looking for switching to other controls that would require a high amount of rework ...

Win32: How to prevent DateTimePicker from accepting 2-digit years?

Microsoft's DateTimePicker common control shows ShortDate's according to the configured Locale settings. The customer's computer is configured with a 2-digit year ShortDateFormat (d/M/yy), so the DateTimePicker shows 2-digit years: When the user puts focus in the year block of the datetime picker, Microsoft points out the issue, and s...

Does LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT have any compatibility issues with other styles?

I am trying to set the LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT style on my grid list control as I want full row selection. However apparently it doesn't have any effect. Since I am using a number of other styles as well, I am wondering if LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT has any compatibility issues with other styles. Anyone? Following are the styles I am setting. In...

Making a application blend in with the Windows theme

Previously I used to piddle around with VB6 to develop a couple of personal projects. Following my upgrade to Windows 7, I've decided to piddle about with Express Edition 2010. If I wanted my VB6 application to blend in with the visual style of Windows, I would use the code and techniques described here. In short, I would use a M...

Single-select Win32 ListView (Common Controls)

I'm using the ListView control from Common Controls 6.0 in C++ and I need the ListView to be single-select only. All of the higher level controls have this feature (e.g. .Net and Qt), but I imagine they are based on this control deep down somewhere. Any ideas on how I can get this to behave as a single-select list? Just in case it mak...