




Is there something like "The New C Standard.An Economic and Cultural Commentary" ( - line-by-line commentary of the standard for C++ (ISO IEC 14882-1998)?

I want to deeply learn some extremal examples of C++ and their standard-compliance

+1  A: 

There's the annotated C++ reference, if that's what you're talking about...

Chinmay Kanchi
Is this reference based on C++ ISO standard? The book "The New C Standard" is based on C90 standard and comments almost every line or paragraph of the standard. There are description of the line, the problems with it and for what it is needed.
1990 is indeed quite antique - at that time a C++ standard didn't even exist.
Georg Fritzsche
It's probably not what someone wanting "some extremal examples of C++" want (i.e. it's from 91 or so, at time when nearly none of the common techniques now associated with advanced C++ was invented). And Derek Jone's book also has a far wider scope. ME and BS's one is far more centered on describing language.
DJ's book is based on C99, not C90. ME and BS's one is based on the C++ reference manual, the then current language definition -- updated version of the similarly named annex in the 2nd edition of TC++PL for instance -- that will become the C++ standard, 8 years later.
Hmm. This book seems to be like " C: A Reference Manual, Fifth Edition" for C.
Apologies, I didn't realise that the book hasn't been updated since the 1990s. That really is a bummer...
Chinmay Kanchi
+1  A: 

Your stated goal might be approached quicker by first reading the (in)famous "Modern C++ Design" (Andrei Alexandrescu). It doesn't focus on the standard, but uses it in ways that the C++ designers hadn't foreseen.

That will show the futility of commenting on the standard. The quality of the C++ standard (and others) becomes apparent in use, especially when it's taken far beyond its original design goals.

I don't want to learn advanced techniques of C++ programming. I want to deeply analyze some examples of not-very-clear C++ code and their conformance to C++ language reference and/or C++ standard."Modern C++ Design" is about advanced usage of the language and OOP. I need book about language itself and it "dark corners", uncommon language "hacking" of C++. You can think, that I want to debug something like IOCCC programs (but for C++) and get a degree of their standard-compliance.
Please read my answer again. Andrei took C++ much further than the authors of the standard considered. Therefore, a line-by-line commentary of the standard doesn't help you with even that code. As for the "degree of standard-compliance", there's a simple answer. It's not a continuous scale, but three-valued: "portable", "implementation-dependent" and "not compliant". Basic analysis is simple: a program is portable if the standard describes its behavior without spcifying any part as "implementation-dependent".
I need book, which can help me in answering a questions like "Is such language construction accepted by standard, or it is not compliant or implementation-depended". I don't want for now to learn difficult cases, but I need to do a standard-compliance checks for a lot codes.
The better solution for that is to compile with a highly-conforming compiler (like Comeau). Sure, that doesn't produce the fastest executable, but that wasn't your goal anyway. The goal you have is fairly rare, so there is simply not that big an audience.