



I just installed VS 2010 RC and now my MVC 2 project created in VS 2010 Beta 2 won't load stating:

'The project type is not supported by this installation.'

Sweet! What the hell do I do now? Anyone else having this issue?


Have you read this blog post from Phil Haack? Installing ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2 on Visual Studio 2010 RC

Depending on the installation order you may have to uninstall/reinstall some components.

Kevin Pullin
gah - missed that somehow, reading it now - thanks
wow - I am screwed on this one, followed blog instructions and now I can't even create a project in VS 2010 RC
Hrm, bummer. Have you tried a full uninstall/reinstall? Might want to file a bug on it... just in case you get lucky and it actually gets fixed in RTM.
Kevin Pullin