I use displaytag on a list bean : utilisateurBean.I need to add a column on this tab to add a checkbox for selecting an element.
Pb : With the displaytag struts looks for the property choixUtilisateur in the bean and not in the formBean. Is there a way to talk struts/displaytag to map this property in the form? I don't understand the mix of prestenation layer/ business layer that this involves.
I understand that I iterate on the bean and that he looks for the property in. But I did not understand the mapping of the decorator property in the business layer.
My code :
<html:form action="/rechercheUtilisateur"
<div align="center"><display:table style="width: 100%;"
class="mars" sort="list"
cellspacing="4" cellpadding="2" pagesize="10"
requestURI="rechercheUtilisateur.do" export="true" >
<display:column title="id" property="id" sortable="true"
style="color: black;" headerClass="sortable"></display:column>
<display:column media="html" property="choixUtilisateur" title=" "></display:column>
The DecorateurCheckbox.java to add checkbox to my tab:
public class DecorateurCheckbox extends TableDecorator{
public String getChoixUtilisateur()
String retour = "";
UtilisateurBean user= (UtilisateurBean) getCurrentRowObject();
int idUser ;
idUser = user.getId();
retour = "<input type='checkbox' name='formRechercheUtilisateur' property='choixUtilisateur' value='"+idUser+"' id='selectedArticle" + idUser + "' />";
return retour;
Error : /Administration/acces.jsp. Exception : javax.servlet.ServletException: Error looking up property "choixUtilisateur" in object type "xxx.UtilisateurBean".