I'm trying to add a UIView, in particular a UIImageVIew, after (that is, below, but not in a z-index sense) a UITableView but before (that is, above) a UITabBar.
You know, the typical "banner/adv space" that you can see everywhere.
My main problem btw is that i don't know exactly where to put it, as a subview of wich view specifically; the UITableView resize automatically according to the space left from the UITabBarController's main view height, minus the height of the tabbar. I would like it to be put inside the UITableView instead of somewhere else beacuse it is more related to the content of the UITableView, but i have all the autoresizing problems of above. I've tried playing with autoresizingmask, and with the autoresizesubviews flag, but without success. I've even tried the footer ot the UITableView, but that is not fixed in position, it scrolls away if the table is long (expected, and normal).
Is there a way to add a subview in that point, stretching the table itself correctly?
Thanks everybody.