




I have Hash where values of keys are other Hashes.

Example: {'key' => {'key2' => {'key3' => 'value'}}}

How can I iterate through this structure?

foreach my $keyname (keys(%foo) {
  my $subhash = $foo{$keyname};
  # stuff with $subhash as the value at $keyname
That should be $foo{$keyname} not %foo{$keyname}!
Leon Timmermans
So it should. That's what I get for posting before coffee.

You will have to loop through it twice. i.e.

while ( ($family, $roles) = each %HoH ) {
   print "$family: ";
   while ( ($role, $person) = each %$roles ) {
      print "$role=$person ";
print "\n";
Marcos Placona
+3  A: 

Also, please read through perldoc perldsc. You can learn about hashes in depth


This post may be useful.

foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
    foreach my $key2 (keys %{ $hash{$key} }) {
        foreach my $key3 (keys %{ $hash{$key}{$key2} }) {
            $value = $hash{$key}{$key2}->{$key3};
            # .
            # .
            # Do something with $value
            # .
            # .
            # .
In the OP, the first brackets of the data structure are curly brackets which indicates it's a hash ref. my $hash = {'key' => {'key2' => {'key3' => 'value'}}}So you will need to dereference
This solution only works, if there is a defined fixed number of subhashes. If the Hashstructure is autogenerated, then you need a more generic approach. A recursive Algorithm would be a better solution imo.I'm unfamiliar with Perl, otherwise I would give an example.
@ccheneson: No need to dereference. It is what it is.
+3  A: 

Is this what you want? (untested)

sub for_hash {
    my ($hash, $fn) = @_;
    while (my ($key, $value) = each %$hash) {
        if ('HASH' eq ref $value) {
            for_hash $value, $fn;
        else {

my $example = {'key' => {'key2' => {'key3' => 'value'}}};
for_hash $example, sub {
    my ($value) = @_;
    # Do something with $value...
Dave Hinton
+5  A: 

This answer builds on the idea behind Dave Hinton's -- namely, to write a general purpose subroutine to walk a hash structure. Such a hash walker takes a code reference and simply calls that code for each leaf node in the hash.

With such an approach, the same hash walker can be used to do many things, depending on which callback we give it. For even more flexibility, you would need to pass two callbacks -- one to invoke when the value is a hash reference and the other to invoke when it is an ordinary scalar value. Strategies like this are explored in greater depth in Marc Jason Dominus' excellent book, Higher Order Perl.

use strict;
use warnings;

sub hash_walk {
    my ($hash, $key_list, $callback) = @_;
    while (my ($k, $v) = each %$hash) {
        # Keep track of the hierarchy of keys, in case
        # our callback needs it.
        push @$key_list, $k;

        if (ref($v) eq 'HASH') {
            # Recurse.
            hash_walk($v, $key_list, $callback);
        else {
            # Otherwise, invoke our callback, passing it
            # the current key and value, along with the
            # full parentage of that key.
            $callback->($k, $v, $key_list);

        pop @$key_list;

my %data = (
    a => {
        ab => 1,
        ac => 2,
        ad => {
            ada => 3,
            adb => 4,
            adc => {
                adca => 5,
                adcb => 6,
    b => 7,
    c => {
        ca => 8,
        cb => {
            cba => 9,
            cbb => 10,

sub print_keys_and_value {
    my ($k, $v, $key_list) = @_;
    printf "k = %-8s  v = %-4s  key_list = [%s]\n", $k, $v, "@$key_list";

hash_walk(\%data, [], \&print_keys_and_value);
This helped me a lot, thanks
Jay Gridley
+3  A: 

The earlier answers show how to roll your own solution, which is good to do at least once so you understand the guts of how perl references and data structures work. You should definitely take a read through perldoc perldsc and perldoc perlref if you haven't already.

However, you don't need to write your own solution -- there is already a module on CPAN which will iterate through arbitrarily-complex data structures for you: Data::Visitor.

+1 Thanks, `Data::Visitor` looks useful. It wasn't immediately apparent from the docs how to do something simple -- for example, traversing a nested hash structure, printing leaf values and their keys (immediate and their ancestors). I'm sure it's doable; just need to wrap my head around it for a bit. :)