Using Python (3.1 or 2.6), I'm trying to read data from binary data files produced by a GPS receiver. Data for each hour is stored in a separate file, each of which is about 18 MiB. The data files have multiple variable-length records, but for now I need to extract data from just one of the records.
I've got as far as being able to decode, somewhat, the header. I say somewhat because some of the numbers don't make sense, but most do. After spending a few days on this (I've started learning to program using Python), I'm not making progress, so it's time to ask for help.
The reference guide gives me the message header structure and the record structure. Headers can be variable length but are usually 28 bytes.
Field # Field Name Field Type Desc Bytes Offset
1 Sync char Hex 0xAA 1 0
2 Sync char Hex 0x44 1 1
3 Sync char Hex 0x12 1 2
4 Header Lgth uchar Length of header 1 3
5 Message ID ushort Message ID of log 2 4
8 Message Lgth ushort length of message 2 8
11 Time Status enum Quality of GPS time 1 13
12 Week ushort GPS week number 2 14
13 Milliseconds GPSec Time in ms 4 16
Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header 0
2 Number of SV Observations 4 integer n/a H
*For first SV Observation*
3 PRN 4 integer n/a H+4
4 SV Azimuth angle 4 float degrees H+8
5 SV Elevation angle 4 float degrees H+12
6 C/N0 8 double db-Hz H+16
7 Total S4 8 double n/a H+24
27 L2 C/N0 8 double db-Hz H+148
28 *For next SV Observation*
SV Observation is satellite - there could be anywhere from 8 to 13
in view.
Here's my code for trying to make sense of the header:
import struct
filename = "100301_110000.nvd"
f = open(filename, "rb")
s =
x, y, z, lgth, msg_id, mtype, port, mlgth, seq, idletime, timestatus, week, millis, recstatus, reserved, version = struct.unpack("<cccBHcBHHBcHLLHH", s)
print(x, y, z, lgth, msg_id, mtype, port, mlgth, seq, idletime, timestatus, week, millis, recstatus, reserved, version)
It outputs:
b'\xaa' b'D' b'\x12' 28 274 b'\x02' 32 1524 0 78 b'\xa0' 1573 126060000 10485760 3545 35358
The 3 sync fields should return xAA x44 x12. (D is the ascii equiv of x44 - I assume.)
The record ID for which I'm looking is 274 - that seems correct.
GPS week is returned as 1573 - that seems correct.
Milliseconds is returned as 126060000 - I was expecting 126015000.
How do I go about finding the records identified as 274 and extracting them? (I'm learning Python, and programming, so keep in mind the answer you give an experienced coder might be over my head.)