I'm sort of stuck with adding symlinks to my app on the server. I currently have the following in .gitignore:
I basically don't want Git to store the contents of the upload directory. So far so good.
On my server, inside my deploy.rb, I have the following:
namespace :customs do
task :symlink, :roles => :app do
run <<-CMD
ln -nfs #{shared_path}/system/uploads #{release_path}/non-public/system/uploads
after "deploy:symlink","customs:symlink"
after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup"
I want to create a symlink after each deployment for the uploads directory, but I keep getting a failed error message because the non-public/system/uploads directory doesn't exist in the git repository in the first place.
I've verified this by taking a look at the repository, and the structure /non-public/system/uploads doesn't exist because I have that set in .gitignore to ignore it.
I've looked at the Git wiki and it doesn't track directories, so I must be missing something. How do other developers symlink the uploads directory with their server?