





I would like to know about open source libraries that could be used to perform some simple tasks on MIDI files:

  1. reading a file one note - or chord - at a time;
  2. extracting a given instrument to re-encode it separately in a new file;
  3. allow to produce a "customizable" score -- by that I mean that I should be able to alter the way the sheet music is produced from the midi using the libraries ... I assume this will require an interaction with Lilypond or Musixtex.

I don't really have a preferred language, as long as it is not too painful to make the app cross-platform. Other advice is welcome -- better to learn it now rather than when I've already written a lot of code. So far, I've been trying to dig in MuseScore's (C++) source code, but it seems that GUI code permeates most files and although spotting relevant files was easy, it is difficult for me to extract just what I need (I'm only aiming for a command line application right now, I'll see about interfaces later).

Any ideas?


+2  A: 

Well, I'm just getting started, but this (in Python) seems promising.

Anthony Labarre