



I want to access Audio and video into my program. Is it possible to do in MAC.

Our Program is working on Windows here i did audio/video programming using directshow. but i want to develop same in MAC.

Is there any package same like directshow. Please give some valuable tips.

+2  A: 

Register for the regular (not iPad/iPhone) OS X developer program at, download and install XCode tools, and then start reading the documentation for the CoreAudio and Quicktime APIs. You will quickly gain momentum.

Thanku for ur nice information
Can u suggest any starter material or any link
The XCode tools bundle of course contains a nice GCC/GDB IDE and Interface Builder. A less advertised feature is a fairly complete library of examples to illustrate all the major families of APIs that ship with OS X. The developer website contains lots of well structured documentation -- not just API docs but manuals. Reading those docs is really the place to start. Just keep a close eye on those examples that you received along with XCode.
As an alternative, you can always consider the Java APIs for sound, video capture, and video playback. The best way to learn these, IMHO, is to start at, a nice rapid prototyping environment for Java multimedia applications. You can do a lot with very little code.
Nice to read ur post...My need is to take 8 audio channels from pic using pci card and using this audio in my project.Same times its accessing camera for video.