I am thinking of running this custom targets to find out more about my project build status - jalopy - jdepend - cvs tagdiff report - custom task for NoUnit - generate UML diagram. ESS-Model
What are your views?
I am thinking of running this custom targets to find out more about my project build status - jalopy - jdepend - cvs tagdiff report - custom task for NoUnit - generate UML diagram. ESS-Model
What are your views?
I think that it's a great idea and use it myself. That way I'll never forget to run it.
I also keep the reports for a decent amount of time and eventually create a spreadsheet of "progress".
In your main ant task - call another task to do "whatever"
and JDepend.xml ...
<target name="statsAll">
<!-- master file that describes where everything is -->
<property file="./ant/ant-global.properties" prefix="ant-global" />
<format property="gen.time" pattern="yyyyMMdd_hh"/>
<echo message="LOG:./ant/logs/jdepend.${version.FILETAG}.${gen.time}.rpt"/>
<!-- generate stats to see if we're improving -->
outputfile="./ant/logs/jdepend.${version.FILETAG}.${gen.time}.rpt" >
<exclude name="java.*"/>
<exclude name="javax.*"/>
<pathelement location="./jar" />
<classpath location="./jar" />
<target name="doJDepend" depends="getVersion,statsAll">
<echo message="FTP'ing report"/>
<ftp verbose="yes" passive="yes" depends="yes"
remotedir="/videojet/metrics" server="xxxxx"
userid="xxxx" password="xxxxx"
<fileset dir="./ant/logs/" casesensitive="no">
<include name="**/jdepend.${version.FILETAG}*.rpt"/>
<exclude name="**/*.txt"/>
I second the 'good idea' part, although for a project of reasonable size you might want to make it part of an automated build, like one of the CI Servers (Bamboo, Contiuum).
You might also consider a code coverage tool to see how your test coverage is going.
This will ensure the reports get run on a regular basis, could give you somewhere to publish them and won't slow down the developer's quick turnaround development cycle.
I also think some reports about your project are a good idea. My template-project for an ant-build-script (Antiplate) has at the moment the following reports: Junitreport, emma-report, PMD, CPD and Checkstyle. I'm thinking about including a JDepend-report.
At work we use these templates and using Hudson as continuous-integration-system. Hudson creates wonderful graphs for these reports and how the measures changed with the builds.