



Does anyone know of a tutorial for using TeamCity with github with ssh private keys. I have tried to set up git hub to connect and I either get a authentication error or get access denied. I am running TeamCity on Windows 2003. I am running the build agent as a custom account. I am running the web server under the administrator account. I have create a key for the custom account and administrator account. I now get an error that:

The connection test failed: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.ssh (Access is denied)

If anyone has successfully set this up please help. I am going on 3 hours into this and want to get it solved.


+2  A: 

The following VCS Root configuration works for me:

  • Clone URL: [email protected]:username/repository.git
  • Clone repository to: C:\somepath
  • User Name Style: UserId (jsmith)
  • Authentication Method: Private Key
  • Private Key Path: C:\SSH\myKeyFile.priv
  • Passphrase: only if key file is secured with a passphrase
Markus Dulghier
This works for me as well, however if you want to do an agent-based checkout, you need to use the "Default private key" instead of a private key path. I haven't been able to get that working yet (on windows). Any ideas? Doesn't seem to honor my ~/.ssh/config file at all.
Found it... I needed to specify a wildcard for the hostname, so my file looks like this:Host *IdentityFile ~/.ssh/toms_desktop_id_rsa

if you haven't figured this out yet...

this config worked out for me

Authentication Method: Default Private Key

UserName: (blank)

Known Hosts Database <<-- CHECK IT!

thats what finally worked after a couple of hours trying to get it to work :)

alex n