I am trying to an execute a program in PHP on Windows with multiple arguments and absolute paths using a method like this:
$FLACPATH = str_replace(" ","\ ",realpath("../../encoders/flac.exe"));
$LAMEPATH = realpath("../../encoders/lame.exe");
$FILEPATH = realpath("../../encoders/01.flac");
function my_exec($cmd, $input='')
echo $cmd."<br/><br/>";
$proc=proc_open($cmd, array(0=>array('pipe', 'r'), 1=>array('pipe', 'w'), 2=>array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes);
fwrite($pipes[0], $input);fclose($pipes[0]);
return array('stdout'=>$stdout,
var_export(my_exec("\"$FLACPATH\" -t \"$FILEPATH\""));
In a Windows command prompt, this call works perfectly and looks like this: "C:\Users\James\Documents\My Dropbox\Code\Program\bin\Debug\encoders\flac.exe" -t "C:\Users\James\Documents\My Dropbox\Code\Program\bin\Debug\encoders\01.flac"
This works fine in PHP when I am using one absolute path, for instance if I am just executing the program. However, if I add another absolute path to my arguments to target a resource, the call fails. From what I can tell, it looks like PHP removes the quotes around my original call to the EXE, making the spaces break the call.
I am using absolute paths because I do not want to have my EXE files in the same directory as my PHP script. I use realpath($str) because I need the paths to be somewhat relative.
Does anyone know why PHP is stripping my quotes out of my exec()??? Thanks!