Hello, I am kinda new with iPhone development and I'm having a bit of trouble with an apparently very simple thing.
- (IBAction) addButtonPressed:(id) sender {
AddDrinkViewController *addDrinkVC = [[AddDrinkViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DrinkDetailView" bundle:nil];
UINavigationController *addNavCon = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:addDrinkVC];
//the textview is not becoming editable here, even thou i'm setting the property to true.
addDrinkVC.ingredientsTextView.editable = YES;
[self presentModalViewController:addNavCon animated:YES];
[addDrinkVC release];
[addNavCon release];
Basically, the [ + ] button is tapped on a navigation controller and a modal view appears.
The view that appears is extended from a different view which originally has the textfields and textviews disabled from the nib itself.
I am trying to make the textviews and textfields editable when the [ + ] is tapped, but so far, I haven't had any luck.
I know it seems like a VERY simple thing to do, but I've been looking online and haven't been able to find an answer... maybe I'm missing something very basic on the behavior of modal views?
Thanks a lot in advance.