I have to port some crypto code to visual c++ from java which (visual c++) I am not very familiar with. I found a library at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpp-bigint/ that I can use for big integers.
However it does not have an equivalent to javas SecureRandom class. I did find a project in c++ called beecrypt but could not get it to work with Visual Studio 2008.
Does anyone have any experience with these types of libraries? I saw gmp too but couldn't find one that worked with visual studio off the bat.
Before I head down the wrong road any advice?
I seem to have a proof of concept working with the cpp-bigint from above with small numbers. In the library there is no modPow function. For now I created a for loop like:
for(RossiBigInt i("0",DEC_DIGIT); i< r; i++)
{ x = x * g; x = x % p; }
This gives me x = g^r mod p but it is very slow. Does anyone know of other BitInteger libraries with the modPow function or know a faster way for me to compute this?