I'm running in to a problem that I was able to fix with Application.DoEvents, but don't want to leave that in because it might introduce all sorts of nasty problems.
Background: Our app is primarily a desktop app that makes many calls to a web service. We control everything but changes to the overall system design are not going to be seriously considered. One of those calls, Calculate, is used very often, and occasionally can take a few minutes to process all the data to return valid results.
Previously this call to Calculate was done synchronously and thus would block the UI leaving the user to wonder if the app had frozen or not, etc. I've successfully moved all the long wait calls to a BackgroundWorker and then made a simple Waiting screen that would cycle through a "Calculating..." animated message.
Now the problem arises when our UI code tries to call the calculate routine again prior to the first one finishing. I would get a "This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple instances..." message. Which I thought should be controlled by the resetEvent.WaitOne() calls. It did not so I thought maybe another event controlling access to the entire routine would help, so I added the calcDoneEvent. This still did not fix the problem, but would cause it to block indefinitely on the 2nd call to Calculate's calcDoneEvent.WaitOne() call. Then on a whim I added the Application.DoEvents to the bottom of Calculate and viola, problem solved.
I don't want to leave that .DoEvents in there because I've read it can cause problems that later are very difficult to track down. Is there a better way to handle this situation?
Thanks in advance..
Private WithEvents CalculateBGW As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Dim resetEvent As New Threading.AutoResetEvent(False)
Dim calcDoneEvent As New Threading.AutoResetEvent(True)
Public Sub Calculate()
calcDoneEvent.WaitOne() ' will wait if there is already a calculate running.'
' setup variables for the background worker'
CalculateBGW.RunWorkerAsync() ' Start the call to calculate'
Dim nMsgState As Integer = 0
' will block until the backgorundWorker is done'
Do While Not resetEvent.WaitOne(200) ' sleep for 200 miliseconds, then update the status window'
Select Case nMsgState
Case 1
PleaseWait(True, vbNull, "Calculating. ")
Case 2
PleaseWait(True, vbNull, "Calculating.. ")
Case 3
PleaseWait(True, vbNull, "Calculating... ")
Case 4
PleaseWait(True, vbNull, "Calculating....")
Case Else
PleaseWait(True, vbNull, "Calculating ")
End Select
nMsgState = (nMsgState + 1) Mod 5
PleaseWait(False, vbNull) 'make sure the wait screen goes away'
calcDoneEvent.Set() ' allow another calculate to proceed'
Application.DoEvents() ' I hate using this here'
End Sub
Private Sub CalculateBGW_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles CalculateBGW.DoWork
'make WS Call, do data processing on it, can take a long time..'
'No Catch inside the DoWork for BGW, or exception handling wont work right...'
resetEvent.Set() 'unblock the main thread'
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub CalculateBGW_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles CalculateBGW.RunWorkerCompleted
'If an error occurs we must check e.Error prior to touching e.Result, or the BGW'
'will possibly "eat" the exception for breakfast (I hear theyre tasty w/ jam)'
If Not (e.Error Is Nothing) Then
'If a Web Exception timeout, retry the call'
If TypeOf e.Error Is System.Net.WebException And _
e.Error.Message = "The operation has timed out" And _
intRetryCount < intRetryMax Then
' Code for checking retry times, increasing timeout, then possibly recalling the BGW'
CalculateBGW.RunWorkerAsync() 'restart the call to the WS'
Throw e.Error ' after intRetryMax times, go ahead and throw the error up higher'
End If
'normal completion stuff'
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub