I have created a java server, which takes screenshots, resizes them, and sends them over TCP/IP to my iPhone application. The application then uses NSInputStream to collect the incoming image data, create an NSMutableData instance with the byte buffer, and then create a UIImage object to display on the iPhone. Screenshare, essentially. My iPhone code to collect the image data is currently as follow:
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)theStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)streamEvent{
if(streamEvent == NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable && [iStream hasBytesAvailable]){
uint8_t buffer[1024];
while([iStream hasBytesAvailable]){
NSLog(@"New Data");
int len = [iStream read:buffer maxLength:sizeof(buffer)];
[imgdata appendBytes:buffer length:len];
/*Here is where the problem lies. What should be in this
if statement in order to make it test the last byte of
the incoming buffer, to tell if it is the End of Image marker
for the end of incoming JPEG file?
UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imgdata];
NSLog(@"NUMBER OF BYTES: %u", len);
image.image = img;
My problem, as indicated by the in-code comment, is figuring out when to stop collecting data in the NSMutableData object, and use the data to create a UIImage. It seems to make sense to look for the JPEG End of File marker--End of Image (EOI) marker (FFD9)--in the incoming bytes, as the image will be ready for display when this is sent. How can I test for this? I'm either missing something about how the data is stored, or about the marker within the JPEG file, but any help in testing for this would be greatly appreciated!