I am currently implementing a basic raytracer in c++. Works pretty well so far, matte materials (with ambient and diffuse brdf) work as expected so far.
Adding specular highlights would result in the full Phong Model and that's exactly what i tried to do.
Unfortunately, i encounter gamut overflow, with all kinds of values for the specular reflection constant ks and the exponent. Here are some examples.
// Sphere material definition:
ka = 0.9;
kd = 1.0;
ks = 0.3;
exp = 1.0;
color = rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.98);
image: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/614366/cornell_1.png
// Sphere material definition:
ka = 0.9;
kd = 1.0;
ks = 0.3;
exp = 20.0; // only changed exp
color = rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.98);
image: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/614366/cornell_2.png
// Sphere material definition:
ka = 0.9;
kd = 1.0;
ks = 0.1; // only changes here
exp = 0.1; // and here
color = rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.98);
image: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/614366/cornell_3.png
and here are some relevant excerpts of the code:
in raycast.cpp
namespace {
const float floatmax = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
RayCast::trace ( const Ray& ray ) const
HitRecord rec(scene_ptr_);
float tmax = floatmax;
float tmin = 0.0;
if ( scene_ptr_->shapes.hit(ray,tmin,tmax,rec) )
rec.ray = ray;
return rec.material_ptr->shade(rec);
return scene_ptr_->bgcolor;
in phong.cpp
Phong::shade ( HitRecord& hitrec ) const
Vector wo = - hitrec.ray.dir();
rgb L = ambient_brdf_ptr_->rho(hitrec,wo) *
int num_lights = hitrec.scene_ptr->lights.size();
for (int i = 0; i < num_lights; ++i)
Vector wi = hitrec.scene_ptr->lights[i]->get_direction(hitrec);
float ndotwi = dot(hitrec.normal, wi);
if ( ndotwi > 0.0 )
L += ( diffuse_brdf_ptr_->f (hitrec, wo, wi) +
specular_brdf_ptr_->f(hitrec, wo, wi)
) * hitrec.scene_ptr->lights[i]->L(hitrec) * ndotwi;
return L;
in specular.cpp
namespace {
const rgb black(0.0,0.0,0.0);
Specular::f ( const HitRecord& hitrec, const Vector& wo, const Vector& wi ) const
rgb L(0,0,0);
float ndotwi = dot(hitrec.normal, wi);
Vector r = -wi + 2.0 * hitrec.normal * ndotwi;
float rdotwo = dot(r, wo);
// reflection detected
if ( rdotwo > 0.0 )
L = ks_ * pow(rdotwo, exp_);
return L;
Specular::rho ( const HitRecord& hitrec, const Vector& wo ) const
return black;
in sphere.cpp
Sphere::hit ( const Ray& ray, interval_t tmin, interval_t tmax, HitRecord& hitrec ) const
Vector org = ray.origin() - center_;
Vector dir = ray.dir();
float a = dot(dir, dir);
float b = dot(dir, org) * 2;
float c = dot(org, org) - pow(radius_, 2);
float discriminant = pow(b,2) - 4*a*c;
if ( discriminant > 0 )
discriminant = sqrt(discriminant);
double t = ( -b - discriminant ) / ( 2*a );
if ( t < tmin )
t = ( -b + discriminant ) / ( 2*a );
if ( t > tmin and t < tmax )
// hit detected
hitrec.t = t;
hitrec.hit = true;
hitrec.normal = unify( t*ray.dir() + org );
hitrec.material_ptr = material_ptr_;
hitrec.hitpoint = ray.origin() + t * ray.dir();
hitrec.ray = ray;
return true;
return false;
do you have ideas where the error could be caused? what are possible factors that lead to such results?
thanks in advance, patrick.