How to get all contact numbers for a Contact when searching by contact name. Given a contact name how can we search the address book and get all the contact numbers associated with the contact.
HI Alex sorry for the late response. I have seen your post and am convinced with the logic. Did not find time to implement and check but will do and post back confirming whether it is working so that it will be use full for other users
2010-04-07 06:43:31
I have implemented this logic and it works. In the code that users might place at comment //check if the name is the name you wantin the code that Alex has explainedwe should be comparing using the equalsIgnoreCase method. For example if(fullname.equalsIgnoreCase(userSelectedContactName)){This would do the comparison correctly more information about this method at in the API reference at Alex
2010-05-03 08:03:49
You are welcome Taha. Bye
2010-05-04 07:33:03