Let say I would like to set nested style for development and compressed for production. There is only one option in Compass configuration file:
output_style = :compact # or :nested, :expanded, :compressed
Let say I would like to set nested style for development and compressed for production. There is only one option in Compass configuration file:
output_style = :compact # or :nested, :expanded, :compressed
It appears that it's pretty easy:
output_style = RAILS_ENV == "production" ? :compressed : :nested
To check it I've run this rake task in different environments (I had to change sass source before running this task):
namespace :sass do
desc 'Updates stylesheets if necessary from their Sass templates.'
task :update => :environment do
You can place this task in lib/tasks/sass.rake.
Else I have this task running in my Capistrano deploy.rb to automatically update stylesheets on production during deployment:
after 'deploy:restart', 'sass:update'
namespace :sass do
desc 'Updates the stylesheets generated by Sass'
task :update, :roles => :app do
invoke_command "cd #{current_release}; rake sass:update RAILS_ENV=production"
In addition to the answer by Voldy I solved the problem by creating an initializer called sass_config and putting this in it:
Sass::Plugin.options[:style] = case RAILS_ENV
when 'production' then :compressed
when 'staging' then :compact
when 'development' then :expanded