
What is the best method for storing SASS generated CSS in your application and souce control?

If you are using HAML and SASS in your Rails application, then any templates you define in public/stylesheet/*.sass will be compiled into *.css stylesheets. From your code, you use stylesheet_link_tag to pull in the asset by name without having to worry about the extension. Many people dislike storing generated code or compiled code in...

How to chain pseudo selectors in SASS

I'm trying to put together a selector in SASS that will operate on the visted, hovered state of a link, but I can't quite seem to get the markup right, can someone enlighten me? I was writing it like this: &:visited:hover attribute: foo ...

Haml and Sass for Programmer's Notepad??

Does anyone know where I can find some cool syntax highlighting for Haml and/or Sass for the Programmer's Notepad? Thanks! ...

When using Webby/Compass Integration what directory do the *.sass files go in?

I just setup Webby/Compass integration. ( Where do I put my Compass/Sass source files, and in what directory do they get output as stylesheets? ...

Using blueprint.sass in Webby/Compass Integration

I'm following an article here: more specifically the section entitled "Concrete Example of using Compass and Sass for creating a layout that people generally use tables for" The example references @import blueprint.sass Where is this file loc...

Using SASS with ASP.NET

I'm looking into ways to use SASS (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) from the Ruby HAML package in an ASP.NET environment. Ideally, I would like compilation of SASS files into CSS to be a seamless part of the build process. What are the best ways to this integration? Alternatively, are there other CSS-generation tools that are better s...

What's are the main differences between Haml, Sass/Compass and erb?

I'm looking for a templating engine. What are the important factors to consider when choosing among Haml, Sass/Compass and erb? ...

What advantages does Sass provide over regular CSS?

I'm trying to decide on technologies for a presentation layer. I have heard Sass talked about enthusiastically but am resistant to learn something new without knowing why it's better than the alternative - in this case plain CSS. Any feedback on Sass would be welcome. Edit: This is also a good discussion on this: SASS: The Better, Mor...

SASS Image CSS Cache Busting (via Compass)

Can anyone explain a best practice approach to implementing a cache buster in SASS? Meaning, on 'compilation' of my CSS, it appends a timestamp to images files. E.g., The following SASS code: !sprite="gubs.gif" ul li.selected :background :image= image_url(!sprite) :repeat no-repeat :position= "right" -222px S...

How do you write tr:nth-child(odd) in Sass?

Is this sass code valid? tr:nth-child(odd) :background-color #cccccc Somehow, it does not color my table's alternating rows. ...

Best way to learn how to combine Blueprintcss and Compass/Sass?

I would like to apply Blueprintcss and Compass/Sass to a Rails project. Should I learn Blueprint first or Compass/Sass first or are there any guides on how to use the two of these together? Also, does it make any difference that it's a Rails project? Could this combination of technologies be just as easily applied to, say, a Java proje...

Are HAML and Sass requirements for working with Compass?

How interdependent are Haml, Sass and Compass? Are all three required in a Compass project? ...

Indenting CSS in emacs

So emacs's auto-indentation for CSS is driving me batty. Here is what I like CSS to look like: #foo { .... } #foo li { .... } #foo li a { .... } This is what emacs gives me with its auto-indentation: #foo { .... } #foo li { .... } #foo ul....

Haml/Sass Syntax Highlighting in Notepad++?

Has anybody made this yet? ...

DRY out my CSS, but want to keep the basic CSS syntax.

Starting a new rails project and we have a well-thought-out color palette, and want to capture that in one place. I have usually kept colors in the CSS, but I find I end up with all the same color in lots of different selectors, as it shows up as a background color, color, border color, etc. I also will occassionally need access to color...

Syntax highlight for Haml/Sass for Coda

Anyone know where I can get a syntax highlight for Haml/Sass for Coda? ...

How can I keep a div's scrollbar at the bottom of the div using jQuery?

I have a div called #output, styled with overflow: scroll;. Using jQuery.ajax, it's being updated every x second. I'd like to have it so that when the scrollbar appears (after the divs filled up), it should continously stay at the bottom of the div instead of the top, like most chat clients do. I'm sure there's a way to do this, I just ...

How can I quote strings in SASS?

I'm using SASS to generate a @font-face mixin, however this: =remotefont(!name, !url) @font-face font-family = !name src = url(!url + ".eot") src = local(!name), url(!url + ".ttf") format("truetype") +remotefont("My font", "/myfont.ttf") becomes this: @font-face { font-family: My font; src: url(/myfont.ttf.eot); ...

Even better support for HAML in Netbeans?

This plugin is pretty good, definitely better than plain-text.. but I'm longing for a little more. Code completion, the Netbeans code generator shortcuts, 'ri' integration for looking up documentation like the .erb files have.. Does anyone have some tricks, is there a different plugin for this type of functionality in Netbeans? Definit...

Using Haml & Sass with Eclipse

Are there any plugins for eclipse that add syntax highlighting and other niceties for editing Haml and Sass? Google searches only seem to point to a dead project on Note: it's Sass I'm most interested in. A solution for using just Sass (or something similar to it like less) in Eclipse would suit my needs. Also, I'm devel...