
let user modify css propertise from front end of rails app

hi all i am creating a cms / portal that i want each user to change certain css properise ie colors, widths, backgrounds etc to customise there own version of my site. What is the best way to do this ? i have looked into sass but not sure if this is possible from front end as the css would need to be recompiled each time etc ? Any on...

Ruby on Rails application not regenerating stylesheets on deploy

I have a Ruby on Rails application that is not generating stylesheets properly. Sometimes SASS doesn't compile the SCSS into CSS and sometimes they concatenated CSS are not generated. I basically get an error writing the files, like this: Error Message: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /var/www/app/releases/20101004114929/public/style...

Why scss is not blowing up for wrong css value

I am using scss with haml in my rails3 project. I mistakenly typed zindex: 99999 instead of z-index: 9999 SCSS did not blow up. I thought one of the benefits of using haml/sass/scss was not invalid css values are not allowed. ...

Converting SASS to Less

Does anyone know if there's a tool which can convert SASS (the haml CSS thing) to Less? ...

Installing Compass & Sass on Dreamhost

I would like to get going with Compass and Sass on my Dreamhost webspace. Unfortunately it is not part of the provided standard gems so the installation appears to be more complicated. Does anyone have hands on experience with installing and running Compass and Sass on Dreamhost? I'd appreciate any guidance. ...

Which is better: SASS or dynamic css with aspx?

I have a doubt that came up to me just today. I've read Sass website and tried a bit of things and I think it's great. Very flexible and powerful. However it was kind of a hassle when using it in Windows because I had to install Ruby, run the sass watch command everytime so it added more steps to my development environment. To me, the gr...

`rescue in load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Sass::Script (NameError)

Hi, I am trying to run Shapado (A rails based Stackoverflow clone). While running the script I get the following error - `rescue in load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Sass::Script (NameError) I have haml installed - Haml/Sass 3.1.79 (Bleeding Edge) I do not understand how to get around this error. Can you give some pointer...

SASS to CSS converting utility

Please advise me some command line utility or may be a function/method in JavaScript, Python or some other language to quickly convert SASS to CSS. I am going to use it with my text editor and want to work with SASS, then quickly convert this file to CSS. Thanks. ...

generating css file from new sass format (scss) with sinatra and haml

I am writing a sinatra app with haml and sass. When I try to link in the stylesheet with a scss extension located in my views folder I get the following error: NoMethodError at /nav.css undefined method `scss' Here is my get method get '/nav.css' do content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' scss :nav end I have only gott...

Does Blueprint CSS have some standard dimensions, such as 24 columns and 40 pixel width, or 20 columns and 48 pixel width?

and is there usually a file that specifies the specifics of the blueprint settings? ...

The newly generated .css by SASS now doesn't have comments to tell which file the css is from, what might be causing it?

The old generated .css file has /* line 27, ../../../app/stylesheets/partials/products/_summary_pane.sass */ which tells where the css (or sass) is originally from. (example: the above say it is from _summary_pane.sass) and now all of a sudden, these lines are all gone. What might be the cause for it? ...

The .sass file has "+column(!main_content_width)" -- what does it mean?

Is it actually part of BluePrint? What do they do? +column(!main_content_width) +clearfix Where can some intro docs be found for it? thanks. ...

In Rails, why do .sass files magically get recompiled into .css files?

I didn't invoke any sass command to "watch" the .sass file changes and recompile them into .css (and concatenate all .css into a giant .css file) But somehow, when I modify any .sass file in the Rails project, and reload the page on a browser, the giant .css file already has the updated content. What is the mechanism that does this? ...

Wordpress with Haml/Sass

Having used Haml and Sass for a few Rails side projects, I've found that they speed up my frontend development tremendously. However, I haven't found a Rails blogging platform that's as robust or familiar to clients as Wordpress, so that's still generally my go-to for projects that require a light website with basic CMS / blogging funct...