
Store CSS font-size/line-height in Sass variable

Is there a way to store the font-size/line-height in a Sass variable like this: $font-normal: 14px/21px; Using this declaration I get a division as described in the documentation. Is there a way to avoid the division? Note: I use the scss syntax. ...

Why was the SASS deprecated in favour of SCSS?

Basically, why SCSS, instead of SASS? The shorthand of SASS was the main reason why I picked up SASS, I recently came back to it and realised that it is no longer in favour. Any reasons why? ...

In CSS, does it make sense or is it legal to nest an id in another id -- such as "#main #display img { ... }"

In CSS, if it is #main #display img { height: 80px } that means all images within an element with id display that is within another element with id main. But does it make sense or is it legal since id seems to be just global names. It is because SASS actually allows nesting and some code may nest it like #main width: 700px #di...

Fastest and most efficient way of converting **haml** and **scss** files? (Ruby on Windows)

I'm a ruby/haml/sass-beginner. I just installed ruby and rails for windows, haml, and sass (stand alone and plugin for rails). I know how to convert and haml file into a html file (and vice versa): haml index.haml > output.html and how to convert a scss fiel into a css file (and vice versa): sass --watch style.scss:style.css I sav...

Why SASS stopped being the primary syntax (now SCSS is the one)?

In the official webpage they say: Although no longer the primary syntax, the indented syntax will continue to be supported. Doe anybody know why SCSS "partially took over" SASS? ...

LESS or SASS (SCSS) when doing non-ruby projects?

I'm working on a Python-based project. I want to use some CSS preprocessor language which is based on CSS like LESS or Sass (SCSS), but which one should I use when doing a non-Ruby project? Sass seem to have a more features, but it is also tightly integrated with Haml package (and rails?). Are those features worth it? Are both mature...

Csscaffold, image url problem?

I am using csscaffold 2.0.7 ("") trying to get this code to work: @constants { path: "/images/sprite.png"; } .my-div{ background: #000 url($path) no-repeat 0px -100px; } Trying to make that code work, its outputting: Missing image - \\css\/images/sprite.png Directory: -scaffold -css -images ...

Change link color with javascript for style defined by scss

I have scss than looks something like #container{ a{ color:white; } } And I would like to change the links to another color using javascript. IE function changeColorTo(color){ //insert help here } Thanks. ...

Automatic generation of CSS from SCSS/SASS with HAML and Rails

Hi, Is there a way to get your SCSS files to automatically generate new CSS each time a file is changed as part of Rails, without having to use sass --watch? Or is this just meant to happen anyway? By this I mean having rails do the watching for you, or maybe if it can recompile all SCSS every page load in development that is fine too....

Is it possbible to add syntax highlighting to the netbeans jVi plugin?

I use jVi for Netbeans 6.9.1 and it works very well. Since Netbeans does not fully support scss syntax highlighting yet and that it does in vim, I thought it would be useful to add the syntax file in jVi for it to work. But is that even feasible? If I drop the syntax file under ~/.vim/syntax vim will parse *.scss files correctly, but how...

Editor for writing SASS/SCSS?

I know there is an extensive list of working editors on the site itself, but I was wondering from you developers, what is the best tool for writing SASS, and more specifically and importantly, the new syntax (SCSS). There are a few things I would like: Syntax highlighting Beautiful CSS outline, so it is easy to keep track of big files...

Why scss is not blowing up for wrong css value

I am using scss with haml in my rails3 project. I mistakenly typed zindex: 99999 instead of z-index: 9999 SCSS did not blow up. I thought one of the benefits of using haml/sass/scss was not invalid css values are not allowed. ...

generating css file from new sass format (scss) with sinatra and haml

I am writing a sinatra app with haml and sass. When I try to link in the stylesheet with a scss extension located in my views folder I get the following error: NoMethodError at /nav.css undefined method `scss' Here is my get method get '/nav.css' do content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' scss :nav end I have only gott...

Does Blueprint CSS have some standard dimensions, such as 24 columns and 40 pixel width, or 20 columns and 48 pixel width?

and is there usually a file that specifies the specifics of the blueprint settings? ...

The newly generated .css by SASS now doesn't have comments to tell which file the css is from, what might be causing it?

The old generated .css file has /* line 27, ../../../app/stylesheets/partials/products/_summary_pane.sass */ which tells where the css (or sass) is originally from. (example: the above say it is from _summary_pane.sass) and now all of a sudden, these lines are all gone. What might be the cause for it? ...

The .sass file has "+column(!main_content_width)" -- what does it mean?

Is it actually part of BluePrint? What do they do? +column(!main_content_width) +clearfix Where can some intro docs be found for it? thanks. ...