
how to display line numbers in less (gnu)?

somebody knows the command to make less display line numbers in the left column? ...

Unable to make Less to indicate location in percentage

Thank you to Alex in showing me how to put a percentage sign in Less! I now aim to show the percentage sign also when you run, for example, the command man emacs If you run it, you get 'byte 3300' for instance. Alex's answer suggests me that we need to make a separate shell function by man "$1"| col -b > /tmp/manual less /tmp/manua...

Unable to unbind a shell function

This question is based on the thread. I have the shell function function man() { man "$1" > /tmp/manual; less /tmp/manual } The problem is there exists the command man. How can you replace the command with my command? ...

To fix a bug in Less' command by noting no. of parameters

This question is based on this thread. The code function man() { man "$1" > /tmp/manual; less /tmp/manual } Problem: if I use even one option, the command does not know where is the wanted-manual For instance, man -k find gives me an error, since the reference is wrong. The command reads -k as the manual. My attempt ...

To get colors to Less in Ubuntu's Zsh

How can you get similar highlightings to Zsh's Less than Bash's Less in Ubuntu? I switched from OS X to Ubuntu. My Less do not work as expected in Zsh. Manuals in my Less are green and black with or without the following code. # comment these out in Ubuntu export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking exp...

Less gets keyboard input from stderr?

Hello! I'm taking a look at the code to the 'less' utility, specifically how it gets keyboard input. Interestingly, on line 80 of ttyin.c, it sets the file descriptor to read from: /* * Try /dev/tty. * If that doesn't work, use file descriptor 2, * which in Unix is usually attached to the screen, * but also...

pipe the output of a command into less or into cat depending on length

First, let me state that this is a programming question (and thus does not belong on superuser et. al.) because I'm talking shell programming. This could almost be a golf question, but I do not have an answer to begin with, so any help would be appreciated :-) So, the story is: I like to pipe stuff into less with the --quit-if-one-scree...

How can I add the "--watch" flag to this TextMate snippet?

I love TextMate as my editor for all things web, and so I'd like to use a snippet to use it with style.less files to automatically take advantage of the .less way of compiling .css files on the fly using the native $ lessc {filepath} --watch as suggested in the less documentation (link) My (thanks to someone who wrote the LESS TM Bun...

Ruby Command Line: How can I send the CTRL-C command via text in the command line?

Hi, I am trying to create a simple Automator droplet that will take the style.less file dropped into it and run the following LESS command on it: $ LESSC {DROPPED_FILE} --watch which will monitor the file I have dropped in for any changes and will then automatically update the outputted style.css FYI: I am using LESS to have dynamical...

How can I search for 3 strings at a time in the vi editor?

How can I search for 3 strings at a time in the vi editor? I was wondering how could we do it. I.e. search for 3 strings at a time in vi like I do: :/xyz in command mode. How could I add 2 more strings so that the cursor will stop at a string which ever is found first among the three and if we press n it will stop at the string that i...

View Mercurial log/status with less by default

Hi, Is there a way to make mercurial use less to show me the logs/diffs/whatever by default? Now mercurial just displays everything when I type 'hg log'. I suppose I can use aliases like 'hg log = less hg log' if I want to. I'm wondering if there're better solutions. ...

less command with multiple files: How to navigate to next/previous

I just found out I can use less with multiple files. less status line tells me (END) - Next: file2.txt But how do I navigate previous/next from less? ...

Filter function for less +F

When watching a growing log file with e.g. "less -iS +F service.log" I want to limit the display to lines matching a certain pattern. I tried something like less +F service.log | grep <pattern> | less +F which doesn't work. Also cat < service.log | grep <pattern> | less +F doesn't do what I want. It looks like the input is already...

Serving a custom HttpHandler files with Cassini in Visual Studio 2010

Just playing around with our Less HttpHandler for CSS preprocessing using Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NETMVC 2 and I am unable to serve the .Less file type how I'd like to. I have added a handler section to the web.config which is all that was previously required with VS 2008 when using Cassini: <httpHandlers> <add type="dotless.Core....

jquery greater than/less than only looks at first number?

I have a drag script where i'm dragging div.slider, i'm keeping track of the "left" value for div.slider, and having it fade out when it's greater than 68, but the problem is that it fades out when it gets to 6, not 68. If I change the number to 85, then it will fade out at 8, not 85. does anyone know why this is happening? $(document)....

PSQL 8.3+ client query results display

Rather silly question, but I can't seem to find the answer in the docs or man pages. Starting with 8.3 I think, the psql CLI client will not display the results of a large query inline. It pipes to a 'less-like' result viewer that disappears when you hit q. This makes it very difficult to use data from the first query in subsequent que...

How to pass variables from one lesscss stylesheet to an included stylesheet?

I am attempting to use lesscss to build a templating system where each template has 3 or 4 alternative colour schemes. So for example, I could have a red.less stylesheet that looks like this: @main_colour: #ff0000; @import 'main.less'; So, I only have one main.less stylesheet to maintain which contains all the main styles, and uses t...

CSS-Redundancy when using LESS and its @import

I really like the idea and the concept of LESS. Yet I stumbled upon a bug, which i reported quite a while ago to the author but did not yet get any feedback. Maybe it's just me who is doing something wrong. My application.less-File that looks similar to this: @import "reset"; @import "config"; @import "header"; @import "forms"; […] ...

Visual studio - precompile - dotless

I wonder if there is a way to precompile *.less files(http://www.dotlesscss.com/) with visual studio. The site gives me a dotless.compiler.exe but I am not sure how to hook this up to visual studio. I am looking for a solution for both Webforms and Mvc. Friendly Greetings, Pickels ...

Powershell, paginating output from foreach

Seems like this should be simple, but powershell is winning another battle with me. Simply wanting to output the name of all the services running on a system, and their executable path, and pipe that into something I can use to search through it like Less. So far I have: $services = get-WmiObject -query 'select * from win32_service...